Annual Reports

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Ethics in Higher Education for a Just, Inclusive and Sustainable World


Annual Report 2022


PDF - English - 42 pages - 2.2 MB


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Past Annual Reports (2005-2021)

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Ethics at the Heart of Higher Education: Achieving Quality through Values

Annual Report 2021

PDF - English - 36 pages - 3,9 MB

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Building New Bridges Together. Strengthening Ethics in Higher Education

Annual Report 2020

PDF - English - 36 pages - 3,9 MB

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Tranforming Lives through Ethics in Higher Education

Annual Report 2019

PDF - English - 36 pages - 4,5 MB

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Ethics in Higher Education for the Common Good

Annual Report 2018

PDF - English - 40 pages - 7,54 KB

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Transforming Societies through Ethics in Higher Education

Annual Report 2017

PDF - English - 32 pages - 3,56 KB

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Annual Report 2016

PDF - English - 28 pages - 2.23 MB

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Responsible Leadership

Annual Report 2015

PDF - English - 25 pages - 282 KB

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Fostering Integrity

Annual Report 2014

PDF - English - 24 pages - 5.7 MB

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Balancing global and contextual values

Annual Report 2013

PDF - English - 24 pages - 1.2 MB

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People with values meet people with values

Annual Report 2012

PDF - English - 20 pages - 1.8 MB

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Thirst for values

Annual Report 2011

PDF - English - 20 pages - 1.8 MB

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Thank you

Annual Report 2010

PDF - English - 20 pages - 2.3 MB

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A sucessful year

Annual Report 2009

PDF - English - 16 pages - 2.2 MB

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A growing network

Annual Report 2008

PDF - English - 16 pages - 804 KB

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Preparing the Library

Annual Report 2007

PDF - English - 16 pages - 804 KB

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Presented to Globethics Board

Annual Report 2006

PDF - English - 20 pages - 582 KB

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Hopeful Start of Global Networking in Ethics

Annual Report 2005

PDF - English - 25 pages - 282 KB

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