Dr Haluk Haksal, an experienced economist specialising in sustainability management and sustainable finance, is the developer and instructor of Globethics Academy's new World Class...
“If people followed the Cyber Ethics course, they would understand a lot better that cyber-attacks can be mitigated by becoming more ethical.” Cybernetician, ethicist, and Cyber Ethics course...
 Founded as an international network, Globethics has long sought to be inclusive of diverse cultural, religious, philosophical, and humanist ethical wisdoms, and to be the bridge between the...
 Strategically supporting the work carried out by Globethics.net is the organisation’s Board. Formed by members from all around the world, the Board is key in decision making and particularly in...
  In the July 2022 edition of In the Spotlight, we interview Manasa Britto, Administration & HR Manager in the Globethics.net Head Office. Originally from India, Manasa has been living in...
 In this month’s edition of In the Spotlight, we interview Gilles Bach, French strategy consultant in the data, AI and digital transformation space, instructor on Globethics' Cyber Ethics...
 In this latest edition of our In the Spotlight series, we interview Jakob William Bühlmann Quero, Globethics.net Assistant Editor. Jakob tells Communications Assistant Josie Hough about the...
 ​En esta nueva edición de ‘In the Spotlight’, que destaca a diferentes miembros del equipo de Globethics.net y su papel en el impulso de nuestra misión, entrevistamos a la ejecutiva de programas...
 In this edition of our In the Spotlight series, which shines a light on different members of the Globethics.net team and their role in driving our mission, we interview Finance Officer Dorothy...
  En esta nueva edición de ‘In the Spotlight’, la primera en español, entrevistamos a José Antonio David, especialista en gestión responsable de riesgos ambientales y sociales para operaciones de...