Directory of Business Ethics

Find Business Ethics Experts and Business Ethics Organizations around the World

Globethics Directory of Business Ethics Experts GEDOBEE

This Directory of Business Ethics Experts offers a database with a selection of experts and organizations in business ethics in teaching, training and research from all continents. These experts come from various sectors such as the academic, business, consulting and NGO sectors.

The search of individuals and organisations enables a search by name, country, continent/region, email, organization, type of activity and fields of expertise. This detailed list of fields of business ethics includes 9 main fields and 102 sub-fields. Additional information can then be found in the profile of the individual or the organization by clicking on the respective name.

The directory can be used, for example
- by companies to find experts for trainings or other customized needs
- by academics to find research experts for joint research projects
- by governmental and intergovernmental organizations to find speakers for conferences
- by NGO's to find experts for publications or campaigning
- by experts and consultants to become known through this Directory.

Individuals and organizations specialised in business ethics/Corporate Social Responsibility CSR which are not yet listed in GEDOBEE can apply to be integrated. Please follow the four simple steps:

1.     Register as a Globethics participant (if you have not already done so).

2.     Log in, go to your profile and to the right column "fields of expertise" to select your fields of specialisation. Save them.

3.   Not compulsory, but meaningful for a directory: Add additional information in your profile, e.g. your biography, website and publication list under "biography". You can add it in your own language, but if you do it in English, the chance to be understood by others is greater.


Your application will then be reviewed and where necessary it will be done by an expert from the region of the applicant. As soon as your application is confirmed, you are integrated. You can any time modify your fields of expertise.

The Directory is built on and is a fruit of the "Global Survey on Business Ethics in Teaching, Training and Research" which was commissioned by Globethics and implemented under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Deon Rossouw from South Africa with a team of nine regional and over seventy national coordinators from all continents. The results of the Survey have been published by Globethics Publications (download pdf). The Directory can be accessed for free. Globethics reserves the right to charge an access fee in the future in order to cover part of the costs of updating and maintaining the quality of the Directory.

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