Jun Yan

Jun Yan

With an interest in ethics and the study of value within domestic households, Jun Yan, born in 1980, dedicated more than 7 years researching childrearing experiences, with a specific focus on the Chinese Christian culture.

Yan is a teacher at the College of International Education, Shenyang Normal University in China. She is also the founder of the Organisation of Sling-Culture Development, a counsellor of Global Hope English School and a member of the Korean Society for the study of Anthropology of Education.

After studying at Yanbian University of Science and Technology (YUST) in China, Yan later successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at the prestigious Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea, under the guidance of her Doctoral tutor, Pak Soon Yong, an alumnus of Standford University, the president of the Anthropology of education association of Korea and the visiting scholar of Harvard-Yenching Institute. It took her just over 3 to finish her thesis which was published by Globethics in 2015 as part of the Ethics Theses series: "Local Culture and Early Parenting: A case study on Chinese Christian Mothers' Childrearing Experiences".

"The structure of the traditional Chinese family has changed drastically over the past thirty years, constantly under the influence of dual policies of reform and openness and the one of one-child", explains Yan.  It is from her personal experience—both as a mother and as a Christian — that she developed the interest in the topic of early parenting. Her recent research fields are multicultural education and Chinese Christian education. Her study aimed to interpret the meaning of Christian families' childrearing experiences within the social and cultural contexts of China.

She says "the primary goals of the study were to explore the educational philosophy of Chinese Christian families and to examine how it influenced their childrearing activities with detailed descriptions of the Chinese Christian mothers' own experiences".

Her personal beliefs and background helped and encouraged her to pursue and complete the difficult project. Ms. Yan was also highly motivated by the aim of improving the practice of Chinese Christian Education and constructing a theory of early parenting.

Yan's family and network have been very supportive and have shown great interest in her research.

The book is currently only published in English.

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