Code of Ethics

Compass map

The Globethics Board of Foundation first approved the Code of Ethics on 25 March 2017. Amendments to the Code were approved by the Board on 18 December 2018 and on 23 January 2023

1. Purpose

This Code of Ethics applies to all who serve Globethics around the world, including: Board of Foundation members, Board committees, senior advisors and advisory board members, members of the Executive Committee, employees, interns, volunteers, associates, fellows, mandate holders, consultants, experts, Regional directors and officers, National Contacts, academic chairs, sales representatives and all other individuals under contractual obligations.

2. Scope

This Code of Ethics applies to all who serve Globethics around the world, including: Board of Foundation members, Board committees, senior advisors and advisory board members, members of the Executive Committee, employees, interns, volunteers, associates, fellows, mandate holders, consultants, experts, Regional directors and officers, National Contacts, academic chairs, sales representatives and all other individuals under contractual obligations.

3. Vision, Mission and Values

Globethics is an international non-governmental organisation working for ethical leadership through the integration of academic and public engagements. Registered in Geneva, Switzerland, as an independent, not-for-profit foundation with an international Board, and affiliated centres across the globe, Globethics seeks to be inclusive of diverse cultural, religious, philosophical, and humanist ethical wisdoms, and to be the bridge between the different world-views on ethical issues.

Our Vision

Ethical leadership for a just, inclusive and sustainable world.

Our Mission

Equipping individuals and institutions for ethical thinking, decision-making and action through higher education and policy engagement from cross-cultural and global perspectives.

Our Values


  • Justice
  • Peace
  • Dignity
  • Inclusiveness
  • Quality
  • Sustainability
  • Integrity
  • Responsibility


4. Our Engagement

We, to whom this Code applies, commit ourselves to uphold the values in this Code in our activities, our dealings with each other and with others outside of our organisation. These values form the basis of our work culture, management systems and processes.

We do not tolerate sexual harassment, discrimination or racism.

We do not tolerate any form of bribery, corruption, improper gifts, facilitation payments or fraudulent practices of any kind. Globethics employees must not receive, offer, promise, give or authorise others to give anything of value, either directly or indirectly, to any party in order to gain personal advantage.

As an organisation, Globethics safeguards its reputation and ensures that it does not receive funds or gifts or procure services that are in contradiction to the Globethics Vision, Mission and Values.

We, the Globethics team in Centres around the world and Board of Foundation members as appropriate, complete and sign the Globethics Conflicts of Interest Declaration at the beginning of each year. We are obliged to declare any and all potential conflicts of interest resulting from activities, relations or mandates inside or outside of the organisation.

5. Binding Character of the Code and its Monitoring

We, to whom this Code applies, implement it as a rule of practice and commit ourselves to full disclosure. It is included in employees’ employment contracts as an annex. New persons, to whom the Code is applicable, are informed about the Code by the Globethics Executive Committee. The Code is to be referred to in the planning and evaluation of activities and during staff evaluations with Globethics employees in all Centres.

6. Sanctions in Case of Violation of the Code

When we have reason to believe that this Code of Ethics has been breached in any way we bring our concerns to the management of Globethics. Breaches made by any of us to whom this Code applies will be subject to appropriate measures to be determined at the discretion of the management and if necessary by the Board of Foundation of Globethics.

Measures could include disciplinary proceedings, dismissal and reporting the behaviour to the relevant authorities.

Disciplinary action may be taken not only against persons violating the Code, but also against any employees who consciously permit such a violation or who attempt to influence or penalise subordinates for communicating such violations.Whistleblowers reporting on matters related to Globethics’ activities are protected and no adverse action shall be taken against any person who, acting in good faith, brings forward such information. To report breaches of this Code of Ethics, please contact

  1. The Head of Human Resources in the first instance at,
  2. Then the Executive Director at or the President at, in the second instance and
  3. Finally in a letter sent by post in an envelope marked confidential for the attention of the Ethics and Compliance Committee of the Board of Foundation at Globethics - Head Office, 150, route de Ferney, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland.

7. Changes to the Code and Validity

This Code will be reviewed and amended as needed. Modifications are subject to the approval of the Globethics Board of Foundation and are automatically binding. The Code of Ethics is publicly available.

Useful links Mission, Vision and Values – Foundation Statutes and Bylaws – Foundation Policies and Rules –