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null Fostering ethical collaborations beyond boundaries: Globethics' commitment in East Asia and worldwide

Globethics Executive Director, Fadi Daou, made a significant impact during his recent visit to the East Asia Centre in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2-11 November 2023). From thought-provoking keynotes at UGM Graduate School and Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University to a compelling public lecture at Duta Wacana Christian University, Fadi Daou ignited conversations on ethical leadership and interreligious peacebuilding.

Signing Memorandums of Understanding with key partners like Duta Wacana Christian University, Atmajaya Catholic University, and SHEEP (Society for Health, Education, Environment, and Peace), this visit solidified Globethics' commitment to fostering ethical collaborations beyond boundaries. In addition, an Implementation Agreement discussion with UGM Graduate School's Dean further enhanced the detailed collaboration, building upon the Memorandum of Understanding signed last year. The journey also included engaging in discussions with university students and civil society organizations, amplifying the importance of responsible leadership in crafting a better future.

Before concluding his visit, Fadi Daou engaged in a meeting with the board members of Globethics' local foundation, Yayasan Dharma Etika Madani. During this meeting, board members actively contributed to shaping the future of Globethics in Indonesia and East Asia.

Following this visit and the Geneva Peace Week on 1-2 November, Lakhsmi Subandi, East Asia Regional Manager, met with Undral Ganbaatar, UNESCO Programme Specialist at UNESCO Jakarta Office, and Arief Hamdani Gunawan (Senior Advisor, Telkom Indonesia; Advisory Board Member in IEEE) on 16 November to explore potential collaborations on Ethics in AI in Higher Education in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. This strategic meeting aims to leverage ethical principles in the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence technologies in the region.