Search for resources in the Social Ethics collection
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Like the Featured Journal for March 2023, the month's Library Tip was inspired by the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March. To promote learning and education as one solution to eliminate racial discrimination, our librarians have compiled helpful search queries to facilitate your research in the Globethics Library Social Ethics Collection.
Social ethics includes a wide range of subjects, such as social justice, racial discrimination, socio-economic ethics, and philosophy of race. It also covers 'religious' social ethics, for example, the social doctrines or teachings of religious communities on social justice, socio-economic problems, social work, social relations, and the role of religion in politics, economics, society, the arts and sciences. Our Social Ethics Collection brings together a wide range of fascinating resources on these topics, including Credo Reference titles, Journals, Globethics Publications, and more.
Find the library resources you need by using the following search terms:
- "social justice"
- racism AND discrimination
- (antiracism "anti-racism")
- (supremacism "white supremacy")
- (antiracism "anti-racism") AND (religion theology)
Access the Social Ethics Collection in the Repository under Ethics collections >> Social Ethics.
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