Learning for Societal Transformation: Educational Models for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

About this event

The second Blue Table Webinar of 2023, which will have both English and Spanish interventions, will look at how learning and education can unleash the potential for societal innovation and transformation, discussing educational models for diversity, equity and inclusion with a special focus on inclusive education for differently-abled learners at all levels of the education system.

El segundo Blue Table Webinar de 2023, que contará con intervenciones tanto en inglés como en español, analizará cómo el aprendizaje y la educación pueden liberar el potencial de innovación y transformación de la sociedad, debatiendo modelos educativos para la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión, con especial atención a la educación inclusiva para alumnos con capacidades diferentes en todos los niveles del sistema educativo.

When26 April 2023
15:00-16:00 CEST
Language English & Spanish


Marianna Galli

Marianna Galli


Marianna Galli is Academic Vice Rector of the Catholic University of Cordoba (UCC), Argentina. She is a teacher of education for people affected by learning disabilities, has a degree in Special Education Management, a specialisation in Early Childhood Care, and a Master's degree in Educational Research. She teaches at university level. Previously she was Dean of the Faculty of Education of the UCC, Director of the Journal Diálogos Pedagógicos of the same Faculty, member of the Ausjal Education Homologues Network and teacher at the Provincial University of Córdoba. Her lines of research are linked to issues related to the educational inclusion of people with disabilities at all levels of the education system.

Marianna Galli es Vicerrectora Académica de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba (UCC). Profesora en educación de oligofrénicos, Licenciada en Gestión de la Educación Especial, Especialista en Atención Temprana, y maestranda en Investigación Educativa. Es docente de nivel superior universitario. Anteriormente se desempeñó como Decana de la Facultad de Educación de la UCC, Directora de la Revista Diálogos Pedagógicos de la misma Facultad, miembro de la Red de Homólogos de Educación Ausjal y docente de la Universidad Provincial de Córdoba. Sus líneas de investigación se vinculan con temas relacionados con la Inclusión Educativa de las personas con discapacidad en todos los niveles del sistema educativo.

Marianna Galli

Magdalena Nauderer


Magdalena Nauderer studied Philosophy and Near and Middle Eastern Studies in Munich. She has worked for Jesuit Worldwide Learning (JWL) in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq since 2017. JWL offers marginalized youth worldwide access to higher education programmes in a blended learning format. As JWL Representative, Magdalena takes care of 1500+ students across eight Community Learning Centers in Iraq.