
Working policies

Ethical Profile

The Ethical Profile policy document explains the specific ethical positioning of Globethics

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Academic Department policies

Course Registration Regulations and Guidelines

The regulations and guidelines in this document serve the purpose of providing course participants, course instructors, staff, and the general public interested in the Globethics Academy course programme with relevant and precise information on the procedures pertaining to the registration process for Globethics Academy courses.

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Guidelines for Course Participants Making a Complaint

Globethics is dedicated to making every effort to provide course participants best possible conditions and environments conducive to learning during their time at the Globethics Academy. However, course participants can make a complaint if they are dissatisfied with any dimension of their experience. In these guidelines, we set out what can be dealt with under this procedure and how matters will be taken forward for you.

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Policy on Harassment and/or Discrimination

This policy aims at describing the organisation’s commitment to non-discrimination and to the creation and perseveration of a harassment-free environment, the measures it takes to achieve this in alignment with its vision, mission, and values, and how it offers, in particular but not exclusively, course participants opportunities to solicit advice, accompaniment and to make use of reporting and investigation mechanisms in view of protecting individuals and groups subjected to any form of harassment and/or discrimination and of safeguarding an educational and professional environment marked by the respect of the dignity and integrity of all persons, inclusion, fairness, and equal consideration.

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Disability, Accessibility, and Inclusion Policy

This policy defines its commitment to inclusion and to the provision of educational and professional conditions which allow the participation of all individuals regardless of their health or physical integrity status, in as much as the general principles of non-discrimination and harassment, as well as the principles of conduct explicated in the Globethics Code of Ethics are respected.

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Principles of Research Partnership

This paper discusses and gives some guidelines on the ethics of knowledge-sharing.

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Library Collection Policy

In order to have coherent and systematic content, the library staff follows the principles listed in this document when acquiring new content.

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Copyright Policy and Course Programme Copyright Statements

The Globethics Academy Copyright Policy and the course programme Copyright Statements are offered to provide clarity and transparency on the use of material made available to registered course participants on the Academy’s learning management system. 

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Policy on Plagiarism and Research Integrity

The present policy is provided to offer clarity and transparency for staff and participants in Globethics academic course programmes

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Globethics Statement on Academic Freedom

This statement describes Globethics' understanding of Academic Freedom, its rights, and its responsibilities.

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Grade Moderation Procedure

Globethics provides the present Grade Moderation Procedure to ensure that the quality of the assessment process is carried out across the range of its educational provisions. It follows the Assessment Strategy, the values, principles, criteria and assessment rubrics detailed therein.

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Policy on the Prevention of Radicalisation and Extremism

The prevention of radicalisation and extremism has become in the recent years an increasingly sensitive topic in the public debate in all regions of the world, particularly with regard to higher education institutions as potential locations where young people can become targets of radical and extremist political and/or religious influences. This policy document takes the wider context of debate seriously while anchoring the danger of radicalisation and extremism in its institutional culture.

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Academy Quality Assurance and Enhancement Manual

The Globethics Quality Assurance and Enhancement Manual (QAEM) covers all course programmes leading to accredited and unaccredited, internal awards issued by Globethics (certificates, diplomas and degrees), at graduate and postgraduate levels, in joint degrees with academic partner institutions but does not cover programmes delivered under accreditation.

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Data policies

Data Protection Policy

This policy describes how this personal data must be collected, handled and stored to meet the organisation’s data protection standards and to comply with the law.

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Terms of Service Agreement

The use of Globethics' products, services and Website is subject to the terms of a legal agreement between the user and Globethics.

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Privacy Policy

The Private Policy document will familiarise you with the uses made of the personal data that you submit when registering as a participant and when using the resources available on our website.

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Internal policies

Globethics Regulations for Employed Staff

This policy explains the regulations which are applicable for Globethics Employed staff.

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Rules on Expenses and Compensation

Rules on Expenses and Compensation which apply to the Globethics Board of Foundation.

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Conflict of Interest Annual Disclosure Statement

This is the Conflict of Interest Annual Disclosure Statement for members of the Board and Committees of Globethics, the staff of Head Office, interns, mandate holders, associates, Regional Programme Directors and Programme Executives and national contacts.

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Globethics is lucky to be able to count on the commitment of several interns and volunteers. This policy regulates the hiring of interns.

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