Globethics Statements

Image via Dalal IRIQAT, PhD دلال عريقات on LinkedIn

Stop Wars, Save Lives, Build Inclusive Peace

Statement of Globethics, 10 November 2023

The war in Israel and Gaza has made thousands of innocent victims among them civilians, including children, with a high risk of escalation and expansion already actual in South Lebanon. We condemn the horrific slaughter of civilians by Hamas in Israel and holding hundreds of civilian hostages. We Globethics, as an international organisation for ethical leadership, join our voice to the Secretary General of the United Nations by condemning the collective punishment of the population of Gaza by Israel, causing thousands of civilian victims with a major humanitarian crisis, and call for an immediate ceasefire.

Read the full statement adopted by the Globethics Board of Foundation, 10 November 2023.

Lea la declaración adoptada por el Consejo Fundador de Globethics, 10 de noviembre de 2023, en español.