Carol Cosgrove-Sacks

Carol Cosgrove-Sacks

Carol Cosgrove-Sacks is British and currently lives in Switzerland. She studied at the London School of Economics in the UK.  She developed a consultancy regarding International Trade, the EU, Regional Integration and Economic Development.
She came to Geneva to the United Nations as Director of Trade, UNECE: "From 2005 to the present, I have continued to work in trade-related consultancy and I am a visiting professor at Basel University and at the College of Europe, Bruges".
Her interest  in ethics was initially linked to International Trade: "From 2005-2016, I was the joint President of the Ethics in Finance Robin Cosgrove Prize, named after my son who sadly passed away age 31. This Prize encourages young finance professionals around the world to submit their ideas for implementing more ethical financial products and services and stimulating research into the role of ethics in finance. 
In addition, as an international economist, I have an active interest in ethical supply chains and the various ways in which international trade may become more ethical, in terms of morality, respect for human rights, and sustainability".
In 2012, Carol Cosgrove-Sacks co-wrote with Paul H. Dembinski "Trust and Ethics in Finance": "This book was based on the best papers from the Ethics in Finance Robin Cosgrove Prize from 2006 to 2012. The goal of the Prize for me was to promote and further develop the ideas of my son". The book, written is less than one year and has received very positive feedback, bringing the high-quality, Prize winning papers to the attention of a wider audience across the financial sector.
As for her current projects, Carol Cosgrove-Sacks has shared that "perhaps in the next couple of years there may be scope for collaboration on a book regarding Ethics and International Trade".
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