Keep up to date on ethics

Read the latest news on ethics in higher education and policy engagement from cross-cultural and global perspectives

Globethics inaugurates MENA Centre in Tunis

Save the date: ICDE Leadership Summit 2024 hosted by Globethics

Globethics is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the ICDE Leadership Summit 2024 from 5-7 June 2024 at Campus Biotech in Geneva, Switzerland.

Ethical Reframing of AI: Time for a Geneva Compact?

Ethical Reframing of AI: Time for a Geneva Compact?

New indexing services available for the Journal of Ethics in Higher Education

Fostering ethical collaborations beyond boundaries: Globethics' commitment in East Asia and worldwide

Fostering ethical collaborations beyond boundaries: Globethics' commitment in East Asia and worldwide

Globethics meets UNESCO and partners in support of Ethical AI

Globethics meets UNESCO and partners in support of Ethical AI


The world views on ethics


Ethics contextualised

América Latina: desafíos en la educación
Latin America: issues and challenges in education

América Latina presenta una gran diversidad geográfica y altos niveles de desigualdad económica y social que se plasma en sus sistemas educativos. Existe una gran heterogeneidad de escenarios a lo largo de este extenso territorio, lo cual torna difícil realizar generalizaciones. Sin embargo, la inclusión y el acceso a la educación continúan siendo uno de los principales desafíos en la educación para la región.

Youth thumbs up

The Call to Care - Ethics and Human Rights

“We are here because we care”, was the statement at the heart of my message during the 10th anniversary event on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2014. I was quoting our then Board member Heidi Hadsell who was summing up why, for her, exists. This statement continues to hold true, not only for of course. The difference with other organisations lies in the answers to the questions, “Who and what do we care about and how and where do we care?”

Youth thumbs up

Staying optimistic in uncertain times through building new bridges and common values in a world for everybody

People everywhere want a better world it seems; one in which what is good in us is more realised. There is a yearning and cry from children, youth, and adults on all continents for a world for everybody, where love and acceptance are possible.