Globethics Consortium Membership

Membership Categories

  • Institutional Members are institutions of higher education. The Consortium is open to legally recognized institutions of higher education including: universities, business schools, distant learning institutions, vocational and professional training institutes, seminaries, international and regional associations of Universities and institutions in higher education.
  • Institutional Members are classified in three country categories (High income, Medium income and Low income) and three size categories (small medium, large). For details see Annex 1.2.
  • Institutional Founding Members are institutions that have a representative function within their country and shall pay, in addition to membership fee, a founding member fee.
  • Individual Members are individuals related to an institution of higher education or interested in ethics in higher education.


Joining the Consortium on Ethics in Higher Education

If you are interested in joining please consult the Globethics Consortium Agreement for details about the Consortium and about becoming a Consortium Member, and send it to

Download the Consortium Agreement

For more information contact you can also contact our experts at

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Consortium Member Benefits


What do you getInstitutional MembersIndividual Members
Leadership Role  
Founding Members can be represented on the Consortium Steering Committee, the leadership group of the Consortium 
Capacity Building and Training Opportunities  
Exclusive Access to Globethics documents and services for members only (marked in the catalogue of products as "members") 
Training of Teachers and Training of Trainers (Product 2200) is offered as priority (though not exclusively) to Consortium Members. It includes certification of those who wish. Prices for trainings depend on duration and size.
Benefit from services provided by Consortium members through the Consortium marketplace, such as online courses, curriculum development, consultancy, training, etc.
Can apply to become an expert in the Consortium Pool of Experts 
Global Networking Opportunities  
Gain visibility and increased institutional profile through membership of the global Consortium community of stakeholders engaged in ethics in higher education 
Access and exchange with the global online network of Consortium members and Globethics community
Participate in international, regional and national conferences, events and initiatives organised by Globethics and by Consortium members and partners
Promote courses and news of the Consortium member on the global Globethics website. Promote opportunities with other members, e.g. calls for papers, job opportunities, new courses, etc. 
Joint Collaboration Opportunities  
Participate in joint teaching and research projects
Collaborate on joint publications in cooperation with the consortium member, with logo of the institution on joint publications
Receive information on funding opportunities for research, training and institutional / faculty development 
Collaborate on joint diploma programmes and exchange programmes for faculty and students through inter-institutional partnerships 
Privileged Access to Library and Information Resources  
Access knowledge resources, library materials and content on ethics education for faculty and students
Receive updates on product and market development opportunities
Receive the Consortium Newsletter with information on global academic events and initiatives