African Church Assets Programme III

Strengthening African Churches and Church-Related Organisations in their Assets Management through Ethical Investments 


Following the workshop in Nairobi on 21-24 May 2019, Globethics is pursuing its mandate on African Church Assets Programme (ACAP) III and is hosting two National Workshops in Accra and Lusaka from 13-14 November 2019 and 19-20 November 2019 respectively. 

These national workshops are aimed at strengthening the capacity of Church-Related Organisations (CROs) in assets management and in adopting ethical investments principles from a country perspective. They are the result of the work conducted under the previous two ACAPs, ACAP I and ACAP II, which enabled the identification of the needs of each CRO to improve on their overall institutional sustainability.

CROs are not the only ones attending the events. Representatives from para Church Groups, Academia, Investment Firms, Business, Professional Bodies & Associations, Public Institutions, Civil Society Organisations, Development partners, etc. will also attend the event. 

This multistakeholder gathering will provide a unique opportunity for CROs to interact with other key players in areas related to Governance and Sustainability issues and to leverage legal instruments to protect their interests and to contribute to sustainable development.

The outcomes of these two workshops in Ghana and Zambia shall set the path for CROs to rethink their business model and to align to international best practices as well as to support the global agenda of the UN SDG 2030.

For this event, Globethics and its team as well as the funder's organisation, Bread for the World, will be among the resource persons to contribute to make those first two events in Ghana and Zambia a real success for the future of CROs. 

Next workshop: Responsible assets management and ethical principles for investment

Dates: 13-14 November 2019
Venue: Trinity College, Accra, Ghana
Type: Workshop

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Dates: 19-20 November 2019
Venue: Lusaka, Zambia
Type: Workshop


Programme: Available soon