
Learn everything about the Globethics Library, its mission and how everything started.

The Globethics Library is the world's largest free, open online library on ethics. It aims to provide quality resources in the field of ethics, higher education, policy engagement, and ethical leadership, with a specific focus on the thematic priorities defined in the Globethics Strategy 2023-2027.

The Library supports the mission of Globethics with its first-class research and study materials and information services to equip individuals and institutions for ethical thinking, decision-making, and action from cross-cultural and global perspectives.

The Globethics Library currently holds more than 3.8 million documents, including Globethics publications, books, reference works, research papers, dissertations, conference proceedings, case studies, reports, textbooks, and educational resources, carefully selected and curated in over 75 collections and more than 170 journals, accessible free of charge, and via a multilingual portal.

Download the Globethics Library flyer.

Meet our library team

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Anja Andriamasy

Online Library and Administration Assistant

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Andreas Waldvogel

Programme Executive Online Library

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Dr Ignace Haaz

Managing Editor