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Indigenous Philosophizing: Indian Horizons

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Indigenous Philosophizing: Indian Horizons


from DVK, Bangalore

Indigenous Philosophizing: Indian Horizons, ed. Saju Chackalackal, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2010; pages: xii + 600; ISBN: 978-81-89958-33-6; Price: Rs. 400.00.

Both the activity of philosophizing and the periodic updating of the teaching of philosophy essentially entail ongoing attempts to revamp the training programme in philosophy in the Indian context. In realizing this noble cause, but without neglecting the traditional paradigms altogether, it is necessary that we incorporate more of indigenous philosophical content (curricula) and methods, especially by way of attempting to integrate the hitherto neglected streams of Indian society, cultures, and religions. Indigenous Philosophizing: Indian Horizons is a concerted effort from a host of prominent philosophers from across the Indian subcontinent. The clarion call is to re-orientate and equip the teachers of philosophy to the new challenges posed by the new found vistas and vital dimensions of life in the contemporary Indian society.

For copies, please contact:

Dharmaram Publications

Bangalore 560029, India

Tel: +91-80-41116137/41116111

Fax: +91-80-41116000
Saju Chackalackal

Dharmaram College

Bangalore – 560 029, India



Indigenous Philosophizing and Indian Horizons: An Introduction......... 1

Dr. Saju Chackalackal

Consciousness of Justice: The Missing Link among Philosophy, Religion, and Life 27

Justice Cyriac Joseph

Social Awareness within the Indian Context of Discrimination and Injustice: Necessity of a Contextualized Philosophical Training....................................................................................................................... 37

Swami Agnivesh

Neglect of Dalit and Subaltern Thoughts in the Mainstream Education in India 57

Dr. Kancha Ilaiah

A Philosophy of Education for Dalit Assertion.............................................. 73

Dr. Sebastian Alackapally

Vision from the Margin: Rethinking

Philosophical Education........................................................................................ 85

Dr. George Thadathil

Sopāna as an Indigenous Way of Philosophizing ...................................... 121

Dr. V. S. George Joseph

Dalit and Subaltern Perspectives and

Philosophy Curriculum........................................................................................ 139

Dr. Thomas Kadankavil

Need for an Inclusive and Integral Philosophy in the Indian Subcontinent 159

Dr. Joseph Pandiappallil

Philosophizing with a Maternal/Material Touch....................................... 173

Dr. Kanchana Mahadevan

Feminine Humanity: An Indian Christian

Philosophical Project............................................................................................ 205

Dr. Jose Nandhikkara

Communalism and Human Rights Violations in India............................ 219

Dr. V. S. Elizabeth

Philosophizing vis-à-vis Communalism and

Human Rights Violations.................................................................................... 241

Dr. Ashley Miranda

Literature and Philosophy: Need for a Critical

and Creative Engagement................................................................................... 253

Dr. U. R. Ananthamurthy

The Path of Imagination: A Tool for Total Education............................... 263

Dr. Paul Kattukaran

Political, Fundamentalist, and Militant Forces in India: Philosophers’ Response 283

Dr. Ambrose Pinto

Hindutva and Christian Philosophical Education...................................... 309

Dr. Vincent Kundukulam

Social Justice in the Age of Globalization: Critical Reflection on the Reform Proposals of Amartya Sen 343

Dr. Felix Wilfred

Philosophical Studies in the Age of Globalization.................................... 365

Dr. Keith D’Souza

Philosophizing and Information Technology.............................................. 383

Dr. George Athappilly & Toji Kuriakose Puthenkaduppil

Philosophizing in the ‘Third Wave’................................................................ 395

Dr. Rafy Vezhaparambil

Integrating Spiritual Vision and Philosophical Studies in Christian Faculties 407

Swami Joseph A. Samarakone

Integration of Spirituality and Philosophy.................................................... 445

Dr. Jolly J. Chakkalakkal

Knowing Is Becoming.......................................................................................... 451

Dr. Francis Vineeth Vadakethala

Philosophy and Lived Experience: Speaking For

and Speaking About Others.............................................................................. 465

Dr. Sundar Sarukkai

Taking ‘Body’ Knowledge Seriously:

Women’s Experience as a Category of Analysis......................................... 489

Dr. Evangeline Anderson-Rajkumar

Philosophical Insights from

‘Non-Philosophical’ Tolkāppiyam.................................................................... 501

Dr. Vallabadass John Peter

Role of Speculative Philosophy in Christian Religious and Priestly Formation 517

Dr. George Kulangara

Philosophizing in India Ought to Be Indigenous....................................... 537

Dr. Saju Chackalackal

Contributors............................................................................................................. 579

Index.......................................................................................................................... 583

Dr. Saju Chackalackal CMI
Dean, Faculty of Philosophy, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram
HoD, Department of Philosophy, Christ University
Associate Director, CSWR, DVK