
Respect is one of Globethics' values, so we ask the participants to engage in the forums all ways respecting the other participants. For this reason, if you would like to contribute to any forum please contact us at

Short Description of the Youth Forum

Network Admin, geändert vor 15 Jahren.

Short Description of the Youth Forum

Welcome to your Youth Forum!

This Forum was especially built for young adults, students and young professionals.

It was built to

- Enforce temporary theme-related discussions: until the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on December 7th – 18th 2009 the topic will be “climate change”.

- Extend your possibilities to share information, ideas and more concerning study related themes, teaching materials, scripts, etc.

- Share experiences concerning job ethics and professional ethics. Therefore please visit also our online-library, supporting you with over 170 case studies!

We are looking forward to your contribution of experience and information as well as participation in discussions!