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Individual Survey

Admin PSW, modified 15 Tahun ago.

Individual Survey

A global survey on Economic and Business Ethics is currently being conducted to determine what is being done with regard to training, teaching and research on a global scale. Individuals or institutions that are involved in teaching, training or research in Business Ethics are kindly invited to complete either the individual or institutional survey questionnaire (or both if relevant). Clicking on the “individual survey” or “institutional survey” button on the web will open the survey questionnaire which can be completed on-line (please note that if the online questionnaire remains inactive for longer than 30 minutes you will lose all information that you have already filled in, and will have to start from the beginning again). In this questionnaire you will be requested to provide information on topics that you (or your institution) address in teaching and training courses on Economic and Business Ethics, as well as information on your (or your institution's) publications in the field of Economic and Business Ethics.

We strongly advise that you first prepare this information before you start filling in the online questionnaire. The information can then be copied and pasted into the questionnaire. Please open the attachment to see the questionnaire in word format.

Alternatively, you can complete the questionnaire(s) in word format and return the completed questionnaire to