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The “Ravana” of the UNFCCC negotiations!

chaitanya kumar, modified 14 Tahun ago.

The “Ravana” of the UNFCCC negotiations!

Youngling Posting: 1 Tanggal bergabung: 15/09/09 Posting terbaru
"originally posted by Leela Raina

Dussehra is a festival celebrated in India and it marks the victory of good over evil when Lord Rama(the epitome of all that is good) defeats the evil Ravana and saves the proverbial day.
At the long term cooperative action meeting in the ongoing Bangkok intersessional meeting, the US negotiator Jonathan Pershing defied the protocol rules and quoted the environment minister of India, Mr. Jairam Ramesh, and won himself the role of the perfect Ravana in our very own Ram-”leela” at UNFCCC negotiations.
A very well played tactic to buy some more time for the USA to make a ambitious or rather no statement. This is not something new but something that is beginning to get on the nerves of a few negotiators from developing countries. Why, the Indian Minister and a few from Africa also threatened to walk away if the incessant blocking did not stop.
Whats with asking for a new combined sub group to chalk out the mechanism for the so called” architecture” of the agreement for developed and developing countries?Someone needs to tell Mr Pershing that we aren’t going to buy this argument anymore !Stop stalling negotiations and excusing yourself for doing NOTHING and getting away with it.
But our very own Rama also known as Ambassador Dasgupta with all his godly demeanor laughed and said very politely that ” Since I am here representing my country, I guess I would know best of what position my environment minister wishes to take “. Kudos to Mr Dasgupta , you have a new set of followers who have been silently worshiping you in the negotiations. In the beginning of the day just after the opening ceremony, Ambassador Dasgupta spoke of focus that ought to be on maintaining the Bali and Convention principles and the one great thing to look out for is the official launch of the Solar mission and Renewable Energy Mission in November.
What makes Mr Prodipto Ghosh, one of the chief negotiators from India, angry with the negotiations is the idea of INEQUITY. When asked why he didn't voice the anger towards the lack of leadership of the Annex 1, his response "Who's listening" says it all. Do they ever listen to us?
Great going India, burning the Ravana and bringing out the godly Ram with great domestic actions back in the country, we are glad that you are progressive and constructive to NOT block negotiations. One wishes for the Ravana being burnt out and countries not blocking the negotiations and making our efforts go redundant!
What this post is meant to reflect is the annoying state of affairs at the negotiations. As the days pass by and Copenhagen approaches, the possibility of a deal is fading quickly. History could well repeat itself and what happened in Kyoto with countries hurriedly signing onto a deal could recur here. We hope the leaders will finally assume some 'leadership' and take bold action.