Jutta Koslowski

Jutta Koslowski

Dr Jutta Koslowski  is a graduate in Protestant as well as in Catholic and Orthodox theology and is a distinguished scholar in ecumenism. She holds a PhD from the University of Munich which she earned with her work on ‘The Unity of the Church in the Ecumenical Discussion – Concrete Visions in the Catholic-Protestant Dialogue' (2007).

She also serves as a pastor in the Protestant Church in Germany and lives in the Ecumenical Community in Kloster Gnadenthal. Dr Koslowski is a lecturer in ecumenism and interreligious dialogue at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Ludwigsburg and has published in the field of systematic theology a substantial number of books and articles in renowned scientific periodicals.
When asked why ethics is so important for her she answered: "Because ethics is an essential field of the Christian faith - on the level of doctrine as well as in practice." 
‘Prospects and Challenges for the Ecumenical Movement in the 21st Century' (2016) is the volume that she co-wrote and co-edited, published by Globethics Publications in the Global series. The opportunity to write the book came after she attended the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute (GETI) programme of the World Council of Churches (WCC), alongside with Assembly in Busan (South Korea), in 2013. The GETI programme provided a unique opportunity for a new generation of ecumenical leaders from across the globe to engage with each other on a variety of theological themes. After sharing GETI's final paper with Dietrich Werner, the director of GETI, he offered her the chance to publish a selection of them in the form of a book. After that she was engaged and volunteered to be a co-editor on this project.
The collection of papers in the book provides significant insights into the challenges faced by the ecumenical movement and prospects for its future. More particularly the authors of the papers articulate their perspectives as part of the new generation of leaders in the ecumenical movement whose voices need to be heard.
"I very much enjoyed working together in a team with my co-editor David Field to realize this international project," Dr Koslowski says about the book. She continues, saying that, "Writing the article for this book took me around two weeks, but the task to edit the whole book took about two years with a phase of at least three months working full-time on it".
She is currently carrying out post-doctoral research at the University of Mainz on the subject of ‘Judaism and Christianity – Attempts in Defining their Relationship after the Shoah'.


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