Globethics Network

Meet a community of students, teachers, researchers, and institutions with ethics as a holistic approach to their work and values.

Joining as an institution?

Learn about options for institutions

Find organisations, faculties and more involved in ethics in higher education and theology

Specialised directories on business ethics, ethics and responsibility, and theological education institutions where you will find the expertise you are looking for.

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Transforming lives through partnerships

Empowering organisations with capacity building and resources

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Bring your collaborative work online

Develop or revise publications, project documents, any kind of document with your team through our online workgroups

✔ Real-time editor
✔ Instant messaging of the changes
✔ Forum space to held meetings
✔ Exclusive wiki

Connecting people and institutions interested in ethics

Follow and connect with people and institutions with the same subjects of interest in ethics and theology has never been so easy. 

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