
Partnership Opportunities

Globethics endeavours to create a platform for global outreach and joint social impact, as well as for engagement with partners building on synergies in the area of transformative ethical leadership. These synergies may arise in different sectors and through different modes of collaboration.

We are interested in developing and nurturing our relationships with higher education institutions, networks, associations and individuals who share our vision and mission. Through these relationships, we co-create knowledge and advance the agenda of an ethical and values-driven societal transformation that respects the diversity of expression, perspectives and worldviews.

Globethics understands the collaboration with partners as a living, open and intentional space and process that serves the purpose of building strong alliances for ethical leadership — especially among the emerging generations — for societal impact. This global and multi-stakeholder engagement entails collaboration around joint teaching, research, publication, library content and information services, learning design projects, and strategic collaboration around transformative thought leadership on cutting-edge ethical issues, as articulated in our four thematic strategic priorities.

We are particularly interested in engaging and building partnerships with the following institutions and networks while remaining open for new partners and actors. Click to discover more about partnerships and get in touch with the team to work with us.

The Consortium on Ethics in Higher Education offers a platform for international exchange and strategising around ethics as a transversal dimension in higher education, and contributes to global policy dialogue through the lenses of institutions in different regions and disciplinary areas.

Higher education institutions or research centres with a particular focus on teaching, learning, research, publication or library content curation in our strategic focus areas.

Higher education institutions interested in furthering the quality of their educational provisions through self-assessment methods, and participating in an ethics-driven ranking that brings to the fore universities’ contribution to enriched learning experiences, sustainability, integrity and transparency.

Higher education institutions interested in furthering the quality of their educational provisions through self-assessment methods, and participating in an ethics-driven ranking that brings to the fore universities’ contribution to enriched learning experiences, sustainability, integrity and transparency.

Globethics looks for dialogue and engagement with individuals and partner institutions working in the policymaking field to collaboratively advance its strategic agenda.

Globethics invites specialists in the strategic priority areas to serve as authors and contributors to the Journal of Ethics in Higher Education, with diverse linguistic and translation possibilities

Globethics endeavours to partner with libraries worldwide for the curation of ethics-related content in alignment with the strategic areas, and for collaboration in the area of library information services, as well as the integration of institutional collections on the Globethics repository.

The foundation seeks to foster collaboration with organisations, networks and associations for the continuous development and enrichment of the linguistic and cultural diversity of its services and resources.

Globethics values collaboration with funding and development organisations, both project-related and across the programmatic areas. These partnerships will support the organisation in its incremental impact-based growth strategy.

Globethics has signed cooperation agreements with various partner organisations. Our partnership agreements ensure mutually beneficial cooperation with our partners. 

Cooperation partners

American university of madaba logoAshesi University logoBIMTECH - Birla Institute of Management Technology logoBridges to Goodnes ProjectsGeneva Institute for Leadership and Public Policy logo
American University of Madaba
Ashesi University, Accra, Ghana
Bridges To Goodness Projects, NigeriaGeneva Institute For Leadership And Public Policy
Georgetown University logoGlobal Leadership Geneva logoHartford Seminary logoChung Chi College logoHouse of ethics Jordan logo
Georgetown University
Global Leadership Geneva
Hartford Seminary
Hongkong Chung Chi College and othersHouse of Ethics
INSEEC Group of Business Schools logoFacultades EST logoInternational Council for open and distance education logoLucern University of Applied Sciences and Arts logoNational Theological Association (NTA​) logo
INSEEC Group of Business Schools


Instituto de Ética da Faculdades EST
International Council for Open and Distance Learning
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and ArtNational Theological Association (NTA​)
National Universities Commission NigeriaPeaceland College of Education logEmbury logoStrathmore University logoTransparency International - Rwanda logo
National Universities Commission Nigeria
Peaceland College of Education
Stadio Holdings - Embury Institute for Higher Education
Strathmore University
Transparency International - Rwanda
University of Delhi logoUniversity of Geneva logoUniversity of International Business and Economics Beijing logoUniversité Protestant au Congo logoUniversity of Stellenbosch Business School logo 
University of Delhi
University of Geneva
University of International Business and Economics
Université Protestante au Congo UPC
University of Stellenbosch 


Theological Education Institutions

All Africa Conference of Churches logoAnglican CommunionBibliothèques Européenes de Théologie logoChristian Conference of Asia logo 
All Africa Conference of Churches 
Anglican Communion
Bibliothèques Européennes de Théologie


Christian Conference of AsiaConference of Orthodox Theological Schools 
Ecumenical Institute Bossey logoLatin American Council of Churches Mission 21 Bassel logoSouth Pacific Association of Theological Schools logoThe Senate of Serampore College
Ecumenical Institute Bossey 
Latin American Council of Churches 
Mission 21 Basel
South Pacific Association of Theological SchoolsThe Senate of Serampore College (University)
Volos Academy for Theological Studies logoWorld Communion of Reformed Churches logoWorld Conference of Association of Theological InstitutionsWorld Methodist Council logo 


Research institutes, think tanks, IGOs and NGOs partners

 Arigatou International logoCentre Européén d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Ethique logo  
A Billion Doors
Arigatou International
Centre Européen d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Éthique (European Center for the Study and Teaching of Ethics), Université de Strasbourg, France
Centre for Business and Professional Ethics, South AfricaCentre for Ethics in Bukavu
 CSR Middle East logo Global Corporate Governance Forum logoGlobal Knowledge Partnership logo
Conference of Non Governmental Organisations at the UN
CSR Middle East
Global Corporate Governance ForumGlobal Knowledge Partnership
Institute for Business Ethics logo Integrity Action logoInternational Academy for Design and Health logoInternational Association for Bioethics logo
Institute for Business Ethics
Institute for Development and Economic Ethics
Integrity Action
International Academy for Design and HealthInternational Association for Bioethics
International Center for Information Ethics logoInternational Development Ethics Association logo  ECOSOC logo
International Centre for Information Ethics
International Development Ethics Association
International Research Institute of Relative Economics 
Japan Society for Busines Ethics StudyNGO consultative Status at Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
   Research Center for Islamic Legislation and EthicsSwiss Alternative Medicine logo
One Word One World
Ostad Elahi Foundation
Pont-du-Pacifique, Association suisse des amis du Viet Nam
Research Center for Islamic Legislation and EthicsSwiss Alternative Medicine
The Ethics Institute logo Weltethos Global Ethics Institute logoWorld Health Innovation Summit logoWorld Student Christians Federation logo
The Ethics Institute (South Africa)
UN Agency for Education, Science and Culture, NGO-status
Weltethos / Global Ethic Institute
World Health Innovation SummitWorld Student Christian Federation


Academic library partners

 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iassy logo Catholic Institute for Development Justice and PeaceCenter for International Business Ethics
Academic und Business Research Institute
AI. I. Cuza University of Iassy, Faculty of Philosophy
Association of Jesuit Business Schools and others
Catholic Institute for Development Justice and PeaceCenter for International Business Ethics
Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology logoCenter for the study of global christianity logoUniversity of Bucharest logoCentre de recherche en éthique de l'Univeristé de Montréal logoUniveridad de los Andes logo
Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois
Center for the Study of Global Christianity, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USA
Center for the Study of Rationality and Beliefs, University of Bucharest
Centre de recherche en éthique de l'Université de MontréalCentro de Etica Aplicada Universidad de los Andes
Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - CLACSO logoCorporación Universitaria ReformadaRamon Llull University Ethos Chair logo  
Consejo Latinamericano de Ciencias Sociales
Corporacion Universitaria Reformada
Ethos Chair (Ramon Llull University)
Ethos International Journal of Applied EthicsEtica & Politica (Ethics and Politics) Journal
  Fundación Univeritaria Bautista logoGrupo de Estudios Multidisciplinarios sobre Religión e Incidencia Pública logoICESI University
Eubios Ethics Institute
Eurasian Open Institute MSK
Fundacion Universitaria Bautista
Grupo de Estudios Multidisciplinarios sobre Religión e Incidencia PúblicaICESI University
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta logoInstitute de Pratiques Philosophiques logoInstitute for Research and EmpowermentSungkonghoe University logo 
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques / Institute of Philosophical Practice
Institute for Research and Empowerment
Institute for the Study of Theology, Sungkonghoe UniversityInstitute of philosophy of the Russian academy of sciences
  Mahidol University Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies logo Penn State University logo
Institute of philosophy of the Russian academy of sciences
International Journal of Internet Research Ethics 
Mahidol University's Research Center for Peace Building
MSK INION library of Russian Academy of SciencesPenn State University
 Sozialwissenschaftliches Intistut der Evangelische Kirche logoSpenta University logoSt Andrew's Biblical Theological Institute logoUniversidad Federal de Santa Catarina logo
Revue Ethique et Economique
Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland
Spenta University Mexico
St Andrew's Biblical Theological InstituteUniversidad Federal de Santa Catarina
Univeristy Tübingen logoUniversity of Wisconsin Milwaukee logo   
University Library of Tübingen - Index Theologicus
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee




Academic library partners

 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iassy logo Catholic Institute for Development Justice and PeaceCenter for International Business Ethics
Academic und Business Research Institute
AI. I. Cuza University of Iassy, Faculty of Philosophy
Association of Jesuit Business Schools and others
Catholic Institute for Development Justice and PeaceCenter for International Business Ethics
Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology logoCenter for the study of global christianity logoUniversity of Bucharest logoCentre de recherche en éthique de l'Univeristé de Montréal logoUniveridad de los Andes logo
Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois
Center for the Study of Global Christianity, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USA
Center for the Study of Rationality and Beliefs, University of Bucharest
Centre de recherche en éthique de l'Université de MontréalCentro de Etica Aplicada Universidad de los Andes
Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - CLACSO logoCorporación Universitaria ReformadaRamon Llull University Ethos Chair logo  
Consejo Latinamericano de Ciencias Sociales
Corporacion Universitaria Reformada
Ethos Chair (Ramon Llull University)
Ethos International Journal of Applied EthicsEtica & Politica (Ethics and Politics) Journal
  Fundación Univeritaria Bautista logoGrupo de Estudios Multidisciplinarios sobre Religión e Incidencia Pública logoICESI University
Eubios Ethics Institute
Eurasian Open Institute MSK
Fundacion Universitaria Bautista
Grupo de Estudios Multidisciplinarios sobre Religión e Incidencia PúblicaICESI University
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta logoInstitute de Pratiques Philosophiques logoInstitute for Research and EmpowermentSungkonghoe University logo 
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques / Institute of Philosophical Practice
Institute for Research and Empowerment
Institute for the Study of Theology, Sungkonghoe UniversityInstitute of philosophy of the Russian academy of sciences
  Mahidol University Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies logo Penn State University logo
Institute of philosophy of the Russian academy of sciences
International Journal of Internet Research Ethics 
Mahidol University's Research Center for Peace Building
MSK INION library of Russian Academy of SciencesPenn State University
 Sozialwissenschaftliches Intistut der Evangelische Kirche logoSpenta University logoSt Andrew's Biblical Theological Institute logoUniversidad Federal de Santa Catarina logo
Revue Ethique et Economique
Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland
Spenta University Mexico
St Andrew's Biblical Theological InstituteUniversidad Federal de Santa Catarina
Univeristy Tübingen logoUniversity of Wisconsin Milwaukee logo   
University Library of Tübingen - Index Theologicus
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee




Online learning partners

CSR Finance Institute logoJesuit Worldwide Learning logoMoodle logoMoodle logo 
CSR Finance Institute
Jesuit Worldwide Learning


Funding Partners

AdveniatAll Africa Conference of ChurchesAssociation of Licenced Criminolgists Deans and Administrators, The PhilippinesBread for the World-Protestant Development ServicesBMW Foundation
All Africa Conference of ChurchesAssociation of Licenced Criminolgists Deans and Administrators, The PhilippinesBread for the World-Protestant Development ServicesBMW Foundation
Catholic University of Eastern AfricaCauseDirect, crowdfunding platform Evangelisches Missionswerk in Deutschland EMW   
Catholic University of Eastern Africa
CauseDirect, crowdfunding platform
Cassam Fund - scholarship with legacyEvangelisches Missionswerk in Deutschland EMW Forum of Asian Theological Librarians 
Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia Geneva Agape Foundation   
Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia 
Geneva Agape Foundation
former GlobeTheoLib Consortium members 
Globethics Immo Solutions Guinness Nigeria
Institute for Economic Strategies, Moscow, RussiaFoundation for Theological Education in South East Asia Kingdom Business College, ChinaLux Terra NigeriaMisereor
Institute for Economic Strategies, Moscow, Russia
International Journal of Ethics Education - Springer, pro bono contribution
Kingdom Business College, China
Lux Terra NigeriaMisereor
Porticus RenovabisStiftung Globale Werte AllianzSwiss Catholic Lenten Fund (Fastenopfer)The Education Relief Foundation
Stiftung Globale Werte Allianz
Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund (Fastenopfer)The Education Relief Foundation
U.W. Linsi StiftungUnited Church of CanadaUnited Methodist ChurchWorld Council of Churches 
U.W. Linsi Stiftung
United Church of Canada
United Methodist Church
World Council of ChurchesZayed University


Library Partners

African Journal of Business EthicsAlliance SudAsempa PublisherAsia Pacific Theological SeminaryAsosiasi Teolog Indonesia
African Journal of Business Ethics
Alliance Sud
Asempa Publishers
Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies) Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia (ATI ) - Indonesian Journal of Theology
Bangladesh Bioethics SocietyCentro Regional de Asesoría y Servicio - CreasCercle de Recherche sur les droits et les devoirs de la personne humaineChung Chi CollegeConference of European Churches
Bangladesh Bioethics Society
Centro Regional de Asesoría y Servicio - Creas Asociación Civil
Cercle de Recherche sur les droits et les devoirs de la personne humaineChung Chi College Hong Kong, Divinity School (Ching Feng new series)Conference of European Churches
Cordoba FoundationDag Hammarskjöld FoundationDharma Research Association Ecumenical Advocacy AllianceEuropean Business Ethics Network
Cordoba Foundation
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
Dharma Research Association, Centre for the Study of World Religions, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK), Bangalore - Journal of Dharma
Ecumenical Advocacy AllianceEuropean Business Ethics Network
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Fundación Omar DengoGlobalisation for the Common Good InitiativeGreen Cross International
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (Journal of Lutheran Ethics)
Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology
Fundación Omar Dengo
Globalisation for the Common Good InitiativeGreen Cross International
Humanistic Management CenterInternational Labour OrganisationInternational Sai Organization International Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationIslamic Relief
Humanistic Management Center
International Labour Organization
International Sai Organization
Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationIslamic Relief
 Life & Peace InsitituteThe Lutheran World Federation Moderate Muslim Society
Journal of Religious Culture
Life & Peace Institute
Lutheran World Federation
Meeting Rivers SeriesModerate Muslim Society
  Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studues - International Journal of Sino-Western StudiesNuffield Council on Bioethics 
Nagesh Sonde
Nordic Forum of Sino- Western Studies (International Journal of Sino-Western Studies)
Nuffield Council on BioethicsObservatoire de la Déontologie et de l'Ethique dans les Médias
Ordo Socialis  Philosophie.chQurtuba University of Science & Information Technology
Ordo socialis
Parish of Chêne, Geneva, Switzerland (Association)Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology
Redbioética, red latinomericana y del carible de bioéticaRegnum Books InternationalRobin Cosgrove Prize - Ethics in FinanceSEDOS - Service of documentation and study on global missionThe Amity Foundation
Redbioética, Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Bioética
Regnum Books International
Robin Cosgrove Prize - Ethics in Finance
SEDOS (Service of documentation and study on global mission) - SEDOS bulletinThe Amity Foundation (Chinese Theological Review) 
The Earth Charter Initiative Transparency InternationalUnited Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)World Association for Christian Communication
The Earth Charter Initiative
The New Yoga
Transparency International 
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)World Association for Christian Communication 
World Communion of Reformed ChurchesWorld Councel of Churches   
World Communion of Reformed Churches (Reformed world)
World Council of Churches


World Council of Churches

African innovation foundationAll Africa Conference of ChurchesAssociazione Vittorino Chizzolini CooperazioneCanadian Business Ethics Research NetworkCatholic University of Eastern Africa
African Innovation Foundation
All Africa Conference of Churches 
Associazione Vittorino Chizzolini Cooperazione Internazionale, Bergamo, Italy
Canadian Business Ethics Research NetworkCatholic University of Eastern Africa
Center for International Business EthicsUNESCO chair Universitá di BergamoConference of European Churches Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram
Centre for International Business Ethics, Beijing, China
Chaire UNESECO Droits de l'homme et éthique de la cooperation internationale, Universitá di Bergamo, Italy
Conference of European Churches
Deutscher Bundestag BibliothekDharmaram Vidya Kshetram
Education Relief FoundationSt Paul's UniveristyFalas AfrikanasGeneva Agape FoundationGodfrey Okoye University
Education Relief Foundation
St Paul's University
Falas Afrikanas
Geneva Agape FoundationGodfrey Okoye University (GOU)
Henry Luce FoundationIndonesian Consortium for Religious Studies International Telecommunications UnionInter Varsity Press
Henry Luce Foundation
Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, Yogyakarta
Institute for Economic Strategies, Moscow, Russia
International Telecommunications Union Inter-Varsity Press
 Kingdom Business CollegeMinzu University of China  
Journal of International Business Ethics
Kingdom Business College
Minzu University of China
National libraries of Switzerland and Germany, university and cantonal library of GenevaNetwork of independent booksellers, including Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, Germany
   Society for promoting christian knowledgeSwiss Alternative Medicine
Observatoire de la finance    
Observatoire de la finance, Geneva, Switzerland
Observatoire des droits de l'homme, Fribourg, Switzerland
Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS)
Society for Promoting Christian KnowledgeSwiss Alternative Medicine
ISBNTheologischer Verlag ZürichTranspoesisUniversité Catholique de KinshasaUniversité Evangélique en Afrique
Swiss ISBN Agency
Theologischer Verlag Zürich, Switzerland
Transpoesis, Kigali, Rwanda
Université Catholique de Kinshasa, DR CongoUniversité Evangélique en Afrique, Bukavu, DR Congo
Université Libre du Pays des Grands LacsUniversité Protestante au CongoUniversity of Nigeria NsukkaWorld Association of Christian Communications 
Université Libre du Pays des Grands Lacs, Bukavu, DR Congo
Université Protestante au Congo UPC


University of Nigeria Nsukka
World Association of Christian Communications 


Service Partners

Association of International Library and Information SpecialistsATMIREAXA WinterthurChina National Knowledge InfrastructureCompilatio
Association of International Library and Information Specialists
AXA Winterthur / CBI - insurance
China National Knowledge InfrastructureCompilatio
Credo referenceIngramSparkInternational Federation of Library AssociationNovalogixKindle Direct Publishing
Credo reference
International Federation of Library Associations


NovalogixKindle Direct Publishing
Lightning SourceVille de Lausanne World Council of Churches  
Lightning Source
Service du travil et de l'intergration, emplois temporaires subventionnés Lausanne Programme
World Council of Churches


Network partners

Business Ethics Network Africa logoCanadian Business Ethics Research NetworkEDL thematic network partner groupEuropean Business Ethics NetworkInternational Integrated Reporting Council
Business Ethics Network Africa
Canadian Business Ethics Research Network
EDL thematic network partner group
European Business Ethics Network International Integrated Reporting Council
International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable DevelopmentKingdom Equip Network NGO working group on human rights education and learning 
International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development
Kingdom Equip Network 
Latin American Business Ethics NetworkNGO Working Group on Human Rights EducationRéseau de la société civile Francophone pour l'Integrité et le Développment Durable
 World Association for Christian Communication   
Social Enterpreneurship & Enterprise Development Strategies
World Association for Christian Communication 


Media Partners

CSR NewsEthical Journalism Network   
CSR News
Ethical Journalism Network