
null Newsletter No3/2023 - Finding the way, navigating life, together, in solidarity


Finding the way, navigating life, together, in solidarity


Editorial by Lucy Howe-López, Deputy Executive Director

“Ethics gives us faith in our shared humanity. Ethics allows us to identify the common good through conflicting interests and needs. It shows us the path in dark moments and deep waters.”

Speaking on 5 April 2023 at the global launch of the Globethics Strategy 2023-2027, Fadi Daou, Executive Director of Globethics, explained both the role of ethics and the choice of the new Globethics tagline, Navigating life. New starts such as the Globethics Strategy, birthdays and anniversaries bring powerfully to mind for me the difference that each one of us makes in the world, simply by virtue of being born and living our daily lives.

The power of solidarity, expressed in actions, in words, in art, in the power of poetry, reminds us of the choices we have, and the positive differences we can make. Incredibly, an adult can take up to 35,000 decisions a day... Each of those decisions has consequences and I believe that being alive to the potential that we have to be conscious of our motivations and intentional when choosing between options is a first step towards being ethical and towards responsible self-leadership.

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Catch up on news and discover upcoming events.

The Dean’s Welcome Message

Read the welcome message from Academic Dean Amélé Ekué for Globethics' Open and Executive Course Programme for Spring/First Semester 2023.

How to Become an Ethical Leader for the Change We Want to See in the World map diverse people
How to Become an Ethical Leader for the Change We Want to See in the World

On 21 March 2023 the Academy team welcomed around 70 participants - from India, Rwanda, the United States and beyond - to an engaging and interactive virtual open house and orientation session prior to the start of its spring semester 2023.

Ethics in Higher Education for Better Lives and Societies

From 12 to 13 April 2023 Globethics and Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) in Curitiba, Brazil are co-hosting a seminar on governance, cyber ethics and sustainability seen through the lenses of ethics in higher education and its contributions to societies.

Ethics in Higher Education for Better Lives and Societies

Registration is still open for Spring Semester 2023 courses!

Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development

Starts 17 Apr 2023

Interreligious Cooperation for Peace: Religious Studies
Interreligious Cooperation for Peace: Cultural Studies

Starts 17 Apr 2023

Ethics in Higher Education for Administrative Professionals

Starts 17 Apr 2023

There are still spaces for registration on all Certificate Track courses, including Responsible Leadership and Ethics in Higher Education for Teaching Professionals.

Blue Table Webinars

Following a successful first Blue Table Webinar of the year on higher education and preparing for ethical leadership, the Academy invites all to register for upcoming editions of the webinar series:

Learning for Societal Transformation: Educational Models for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Learning for Societal Transformation: Educational Models for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

26 April 2023
15:00-16:00 CEST
Webinar in English and Spanish

Students’ Voices Count: Learning, Higher Education and Values from the Perspective of Emerging Ethical Leaders

24 May 2023
15:00-16:00 CEST
Webinar in English

Ethics in Higher Education for Better Lives and Societies


Make the most of the world's largest online library on ethics.

Book of the Month: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

This open-access collection of AI ethics case studies presents real-life case studies combined with commentaries and strategies for overcoming ethical challenges.

Book of the Month: Ethics of Artificial Intelligencem
Featured Journal: Social Inclusion

Inspired by the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March, the Library's featured journal provides academics and policy-makers with a forum to discuss and promote a more socially inclusive society.

Featured Library collection: Cyber Ethics
Library Tip: Search for resources in the Social Ethics collection

Check out our latest library tutorial to facilitate your research in the Globethics Library Social Ethics Collection, including resources on social justice, racial discrimination, socio-economic ethics, and philosophy of race.

Library Tip: Search for resources in the Social Ethics collection


Read the latest releases by international authors, published by us.

Data Ethics: Building Trust

This new release represents a broad range of ethical reflections and recommendations on building trust in a complex and ambiguous data world and on how digital technologies can serve humanity.

La conversion progressive et le rôle d’apôtre dans l’histoire du salut. Les cas de Simon Pierre et Paul de Tarse dans Luc-Actes : Étude exégétique

Fruit d’une thèse de doctorat légèrement modifiée, le présent ouvrage vise à montrer que l’oeuvre de Luc présente la conversion comme le résultat d’une longue marche en vue d’atteindre la consécration voulue par Dieu.

Academic Integrity: A Call to Research and Action

Across multiple dialogues, this volume shapes pragmatic horizons for action on a range of disciplinary competencies: from science to international diplomacy. An interdisciplinary work indispensable for teachers, students, university researchers and administrators.

Un grand succès : Préséntation de livre Les prisons sont-elles utiles pour l’avenir de la société ? au Gabon

Le 22 de mars 2023, à l’Université Internationale de Libreville (Gabon), a eu lieu la présentation en personne du livre Les prisons sont-elles utiles pour l’avenir de la société ?, un exemple de l’important impact d’une collaboration en éthique appliquée.

Préséntation de livre Les prisons sont-elles utiles pour l’avenir de la société ? au Gabon

Community and Policy Engagement

Read news about Globethics and our global network, policy dialogue and benchmarking projects.

Policy Dialogue

Globethics at WSIS Forum 2023

Data Ethics: Building Trust - Book launched at the WSIS Forum 2023
Data Ethics: Building Trust - Book launch

The book was launched as part of a panel session organised by Globethics during the WSIS Forum 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland. This event, well attended in-person and online, featured contributions by the volume editors and contributors and other experts, inspiring dialogue and debate on Ethics and the Ethics of Digital and Emerging Technologies.

Putting ethics at the heart of AI systems

Business consultant and Globethics Cyber Ethics course instructor Gilles Bach spoke about the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence at the WSIS Action Lines session on Ethics.

Globethics Eastern Africa: Conference on Forming Ethical Leaders for Socio-Economic Transformation

From 16-17 March 2023, Globethics Eastern Africa, in partnership with the Ethiopian Center for Ethics and the Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA), organised the International Conference on Ethics in Higher Education for Socio-Economic Transformation. Regional Officer Herbert Makinda and President and Founder Christoph Stückelberger presented papers at the event in Addis Ababa.

Discussing the future of education that we want with delegates from OEC
Globethics and OEC: Building the education we need, shaping the future we want

Delegates from OEC (Organisation of Educational Cooperation) visited Globethics Head Office in Geneva on 20 March to discuss future collaboration on shared strategic priorities. An invitation was extended to Globethics to attend the OEC Assembly in Addis Ababa in May 2023.

Benchmarking Education

"Meaningful, relevant and fruitful": EMET workshop in Bangalore, India

The Higher Education Ethics Model of Excellence Tool (HE-EMET) pilot workshop from 22-25 March 2023 was a great success with 39 participants learning how to conduct ethics performance assessments on their higher education institutions.

Higher Education Ethics Model of Excellence Tool (HE-EMET) workshop in Bangalore, India


Data Ethics: Building Trust - Book launched at the WSIS Forum 2023
Building bridges through intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding

Lucy Howe Lopez and Christine Housel were invited to present Globethics at a reception on 9 March 2023 for the 14 UNAOC (United Nations Alliance of Civilizations) fellows.

The UNAOC Fellowship Programme holds in common with Globethics the notion that intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding can build bridges of understanding between different cultures and societies.

The Programme is framed around two-week exchange trips between young civil society leaders from Europe and North America and the Middle East and North-Africa and Globethics hopes to keep the connection with many of them as they propose and innovate models of intercultural cooperation.

Anglican Alliance visit Globethics Head Office in Geneva

Common priority points on emerging leadership development and learning how to do ethical conversation well in an international community were discussed with Anglican Alliance leadership Revd Canon Rachel Carnegie and Paulo Ueti.

Talking about emerging leadership development and ethical conversation with Anglican Alliance leadership.
S'inscrire à l'école d'été de l'IRAFPA "Conseiller en Intégrité"

L'Institut de Recherche et d'Action sur la Fraude et le Plagiat Académiques (IRAFPA) ouvre ses cinquième et sixième École d'été en juillet 2023, une formation unique de 2 journées et demie pour acquérir des compétences en tant que "Conseiller en Intégrité".

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