Interreligious Cooperation for Peace - Cultural Studies

8-week open online course examining how religion and culture are interrelated and how they impact peacebuilding.

What you will learn

The 8-week open online course on Interreligious Cooperation for Peace - Cultural Studies takes a close look at the many ways religions and cultures intersect with and influence each other, including how religious practices and structures of authority shape ideas and expectations about what legitimate secular authority should look and act like.

Course objectives

Upon completion of the Interreligious Cooperation for Peace - Cultural Studies course, you will be able to:
  • Discuss critically how religion(s) and culture(s) are interrelated
  • Identify and examine how cultural views and practices impact peacebuilding
  • Translate the impact of culture(s) into your context

Learn more about this flexible, online, distance learning course: read the Interreligious Cooperation for Peace - Cultural Studies course brochure.


Unit 1 What is Culture?
Unit 2 Language Diversity
Unit 3 Authority Contested
Unit 4 Time, Organisation and Community
Unit 5 Understanding Gender
Unit 6 Instrumentalisation of Identity
Unit 7 Case Studies on Cultural Studies
Unit 8 Religious Geography and Epistemology

This course is part of the Interreligious Cooperation for Peace course. A total of 24 units, structured into three parts with 8 units each: religious studies (Part A), cultural studies (Part B), and ethical studies (Part C), designed for an incremental learning path with many cross-references from one course part to the other. However, each course part can be taken separately.

The learning contents of this open online course empower participants for critical thinking of how religion and culture are interrelated and how they impact peacebuilding.

It is held 100% online to facilitate flexible, accessible learning no matter where participants are located, and is run over 8 weeks, focusing on one unit each week.


The schedule for the weekly one-hour live sessions will be arranged with the input of the instructors and participants. All live sessions will be recorded and made available to registered participants on the course platform.


This 8-week course has an estimated total workload of 70 hours (including 1.5 hour live synchronous learning session every other week (7.5 hours total) and estimated self-guided study time, excluding additional time for facultative networking).

Assessment and certification

Participants electing for the Certificate Track course will take a Final Assignment at the end of the course, and will receive a Certificate on completion of all course requirements to verify their achievement and increase job prospects.


Heidi Hadsell

Prof. Dr, Professor of Ethics, former President of Hartford Seminary



Meera Baindur

Professor of Philosophy, Manipal University Jaipur


Classes conducted in English require upper intermediate proficiency in English to follow the live sessions and to read the course material.

Globethics Academy aims to make its courses inclusive and accessible to all. All open courses, unless otherwise stated, are available as Basic Track or Certificate Track options.

The Basic Track option, without final assignment and certificate of attendance, is free of charge.

The Certificate Track option is based on the World Bank Development Indicators. The price of the courses is adjusted depending on where in the world the course participant lives. Learners from lower-income regions will pay less than learners from higher-income regions.

Certificate Track courses are priced as follows:

Country income
Certificate Track course price
High income300 USD
Upper-middle income250 USD
Lower-middle income150 USD
Low income100 USD

To pay the correct price for your country, on the registration page, you’ll have to select your course and your country income classification according to the World Bank Map, before following the instructions to complete your registration and payment, either via Stripe, PayPal or bank transfer.

What's included

All learning materials are delivered entirely online. You’ll have access to a course website, which includes:

  • a unit overview
  • course-specific materials and activities
  • audio and video content
  • discussion forums

All the interactive materials from our courses are available as downloadable PDF versions for low bandwidth connections.

Globethics Specialised Open Access Ethics Library

Registered course participants benefit of a full and lifelong access to the Globethics Specialised Open Access Ethics Library, upon free registration, with more than 75 special collections, inter alia collections on sustainable development and environmental ethics, more than 150 journals, and more than 3.6 million books, articles, research papers, conference reports and other documents.

Computing requirements

You will need broadband internet access and a desktop or laptop computer with an up-to-date version of Windows (10 or 11), or macOS (10.15 or higher).

It is also possible to access our learning management system on a mobile phone, tablet device, however, as you will have to download the moodle application for Android or MacOs.

For the assignments and final assignment, you will be required to use any word processor, such as Microsoft Word, Google Sheets, Pages, and convert it to a PDF, you can download it here.

Globethics is a quality provider for online and blended learning course programmes with a dual accreditation by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) and the European Agency for Higher Education and Accreditation (EAHEA).

Upon successful completion of the qualification requirements of this course, Certificate Track students are awarded a Course Completion Certificate

This course has been accredited by EAHEA for the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), a credit system designed to facilitate the recognition of learning outcomes and student mobility within European higher education institutions. It helps students to move between countries and to have their academic qualifications and study periods abroad recognised. This online/distance course is subject to the 3 ECTS, 6 CATS, and 1.5 USC credits avocational education system in the field of Individual Courses.

Course Registration

Registration for the course, including Stripe payment, can be completed fully online. A confirmation email with the online platform access credentials will be sent to all registered participants prior to the course start date.

The deadline for registration is 1 week (5 working days) prior to the start of the course.

Globethics Academy Policies

Find and read all Globethics policies including course registration regulations, complaints procedures, policies on disability, accessibility, and inclusion, discrimination and harrassment, and more.

Globethics Policies


Duration8 weeks
Starting date17 April 2023
Course certification from 100 USD depending on country income classification
Workload70 hours (8 online modules)
Five 1.5 hour live synchronous learning sessions (7.5 hours total)
ECTS3 ECTS (6 CATS or 1.5 USC) credits
Subjects Religion, culture, peace
Language English
Study Method Distance learning

Certification from 100 USD

Verified Quality

Receive an executive programme certificate with our logo to verify your achievement and increase your job prospects

Easily Shareable

Add the certificate to your CV or resume, or post it directly on LinkedIn

Transferable Credits

Transfer academic credits to your higher education institution thanks to our ECTS accreditation

Monitor Your Progress

Benefit from a personal instructor associated with the course to accompany and evaluate your learning progress

Access Special Content

Access additional videos and the final assignment



Globethics is accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) and the European Agency for Higher Education and Accreditation (EAHEA) as a quality provider of online courses. This course is also accredited by EAHEA for the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). 

BAC accredited institution



EAHEA accredited institution

EAHEA accredited institution

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Other courses on the Executive Certificate Programme

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Starting date: 9 October 2023
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