Add a Workgroup
Create a new workgroup
Adding a new workgroup is simple.
1. Draft a description of your workgroup including the following compulsory elements:
- Moderator(s): the workgroup moderator is in charge of ensuring the good functioning and steady activity within the group. S/he is the reference person for workgroup participants as well as for staff, and is responsible for the outcome of the common work. S/he will overview subscriptions to the group, give participants guidance on the content, and assist participants in their use of the workgroup online platform. The staff offers its assistance in all these duties. If needed, a moderator can share his/her charge with one or several co-moderator(s).
- Description: a rationale and, if relevant, the historical background and relevance of the theme to current events or discussions in the field concerned.
- Objectives/Methodology: the specific objectives to be achieved by the workgroup (i.e. what the group participants will actually be doing together) and the working methods deployed to this end (e.g., discussing, collecting sources, exchanging written contributions, drafting a common document, etc.).
- Expected outcome: the most concrete outcome of group work (e.g., a common position or declaration, a plan of action, a report, a collection of papers, etc.).
- Access policy: the expected number of participants, and whether access to membership is open to all registered participants, or restricted to a selected group of people or to individuals corresponding to selected profiles within the network.
- Time frame: in principle, a workgroup's duration will be limited in time. Under very particular conditions it may be relevant to extend a time frame to a longer term, or to make it open-ended.
2. Send a proposal to Secretariat ( including:
- the workgroup description;
- your biographical information;
- the biographical information of the workgroup moderator(s).
3. You will receive an informed feedback, including possible comments and suggestions to integrate in your proposal. Send the revised proposal to
4. Once the proposal is approved, a working space will be created for your workgroup on the website. Your workgroup will then be ready to receive individual applications by (selected) registered participants.
NB: Please note that the life of a workgroup and its good functioning are largely dependent on the quality and intensity of the moderation, which is easier to do in the short- and the mid-term. It is thus warmly recommended that your workgroup moderator be able to invest time and is motivated, and that the duration of your workgroup be limited in time.
Please copy the form below and paste it into an email to
Request to Head Office for New Workgroup
1. Title of Workgroup:
2. Moderator(s):
Surname: [COMPLETE]
Position: [COMPLETE]
Current activities: [COMPLETE]
Organization: [COMPLETE]
Country: [COMPLETE]
3. Description:
4. Goals:
5. Working Methods/Language(s):
6. Expected outcome and impact:
7. Participants:
8. Access policy:
9. Time frame:
Start/end dates: [COMPLETE]
Milestones/deadlines: [COMPLETE]
10. Submitter of the proposal:
Surname: [COMPLETE]
Position: [COMPLETE]
Organization: [COMPLETE]
Country: [COMPLETE]
1 Title: A catchy, short title of the workgroup (1-6 words).
2 Moderator: A workgroup moderator is responsible for facilitating the activities of the workgroup. S/he is the reference person for workgroup participants as well as for staff, and takes responsibility for the outcome of the group work. S/he approves subscriptions to the group, gives participants guidance on the topic of the workgroup, and assists participants in using the workgroup online platform. The staff offers its assistance in all these duties. If needed, a moderator can share his/her responsibilities with one or more co-moderator(s) - in this case, provide above information regarding all moderators and indicate who will serve as contact for
3. Description: A brief description (no more than 200 words) of the reasons for forming the workgroup, its focus, and main activities.
4. Goals: What should be achieved by the workgroup.
5. Working Methods: Activities to attain the specific goals (e.g. forum discussion, collecting documents, prepare teaching material, drafting a common document, preparing a conference etc.). Indicate the common language(s) to communicate. It can be any language, appropriate for the target group/participants. We invite you to complete this form in English and in the main language of the workshop if it is not English.
6 Output: results such as a common position or declaration, a plan of action, a report, a collection of papers etc. Impact: Expected impact on a specific situation or target group.
7. Participants: expected number and profile of participants.
8. Access policy: Should the workgroup be open to all persons registered in or restricted to a pre-selected group of people or to persons that fit a required profile.
9. Time frame: A workgroup's duration should be limited in time. Only in exceptional cases the duration of the workgroup can be open-ended. Milestones can be, for example, a conference or publication.
You will soon receive feedback, possibly with comments and suggestions to integrate in your proposal. If requested to do so, please send the revised proposal to for further consideration.
Once the proposal is approved, a work space will be created for your workgroup on the website. Your workgroup will then be ready to receive individual applications by registered participants.
We look forward to having you on board, and to assisting you in any way we can to ensure the success of your workgroup.
With best wishes from the secretariat