Global Pool of Ethics Experts

Globethics offers a global Pool of Ethics Experts from all continents who contribute to the organisation's services in their capacity as academic teachers, authors of course modules and publications, researchers, translators, examiners and consultants, often in collaboration with partner institutions.
Experts are accepted into the Pool by the Globethics Academic Committee upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, following a screening and selection process using strict criteria.
The present Pool of Experts, reflecting Globethics' unique value proposition rooted in the diversity of the experts across regions, is in continuous expansion.
37 Ethics Experts from 22 different countries,  3 categories


The pool of Experts Members with a distinct academic and higher education teaching and/or research profile. 

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Alexander Ageev

Prof. Dr, Professor of Strategic Economics

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Anh Tho Andres Kammler

Vietnam / Switzerland
DBA, Professor

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Ikechukwu Ani

Prof. Dr., Director Ethics Directorate, Godfrey Okoye University in Enugu, Nigeria

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Meera Baindur

Professor of Philosophy

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Wantian Cui

Prof. Dr, Professor of Economics in Beijing, China, entrepreneur, investor

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Paul Dembinski

Director Observatoire de la Finance; Chair-holder University of Geneva

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Pavan Duggal

Honorary Chancellor of Cyberlaw University

William Ellis

William Ellis

South Africa
Associate Professor, University of Western Cape; Anthropology; Economic Anthropology; Ethics and Ethnography

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Benoit Girardin

Dr. theol., Professor for Diplomacy and Ethics, former Swiss Ambassador Africa and Asia

Dorcas Gordon

Dorcas Gordon

Principal Emerita, Knox College, University of Toronto

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Michel Guilmault

Director International Development, universities in France. Erasmus expert

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Heidi Hadsell

Prof. Dr, Professor of Ethics, former President of Hartford Seminary. Globethics Senior Advisor

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Michael Hopkins

Kenya / Switzerland
Prof. Dr, President of MHC International, Expert on CSR and Sustainability

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Obiora Ike

Nigeria / Germany
Prof. Dr, Professor of Ethics in Nigeria and Germany, development expert

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Yolanda Lira

Dean, College of Criminal Justice, Universidad de Manila
President Emeritus,Association of Licensed Criminologists, Criminology Deans & Administrators, Inc. (ALCCDA)

Juny Montoya Vargas

Juny Montoya Vargas

Former Director of the Center of Applied Ethics, Universidad de los Andes (UniAndes); Law; Professional ethics; Education

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Richard Ondji’i Toung

Lecturer at the Institute of International Relations University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon, and Vice President of CETA

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Chidiebere Onyia

Prof. Dr, CEO of OrgLearning Consult, Nigeria. Teacher and trainer in Africa and USA

Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

Professor Postgraduate Programme, PUCPR; Philosophy; Political Sociology; History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy

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Simon Robinson

Prof. Dr, Professor of Ethics at Leeds Beckett University and Director of its Centre for Leadership and Governance

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Stephan Rothlin

Prof. Dr, Professor and Consultant of Business Ethics in China. Director Ricci Institute Macau

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Diyva Singh

South Africa
Prof. Dr, Law, South Africa, Chief Academic Officer, Stadio Holdings, former Director of the Ethics Directorate Unisa

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Rudolf von Sinner

Professor of Systematic Theology, Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue

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Dicky Sofjan

Core Doctoral Faculty, Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS), Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta

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Siti Syamsiyatun

Prof. Dr, Prof. of Islam, Director Consortium for Interreligious Studies, Yogayakarta

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Retha Visagie

South Africa
University of South Africa; Directorate Research Support; Research Ethics and Integrity in Social and Health Sciences

Capacity building

The Pool of Experts Members with distinct capacity-building expertise and experience.

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Emmanuel Ansah

Dr, Executive Director Kingdom Equip Network, convener, trainer and pastor

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Nadia Balgobin

Switzerland / Mauritius
Rer Pol, Expert in procurement, ethics management,and anti-corruption

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Gilles Bach

Trilingual Consultant in the Data, AI, IoT space - Digital & Core Transformation - Innovation

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José Antonio David

Specialist in responsible management of environmental and social risks for financial intermediation operations.

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Walter Fust

Dr. h.c., Ambassador, Former Director General Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

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Meggy Kantert

Consultant, Coach in Organisational Management; Intercultural Training; Project Management

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Ndidi Nwuneli

Founder LEAP Africa (Leadership), Partner Sahel Capital Agribusiness

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Anita Shantaram

Founder Ethics India, Head Ethics and Governance, Legasis Services

Globethics employees and senior leadership

The Pool of Experts Members who are Globethics employees and senior leadership (who may have a distinct expert profile in Academy and/or Capacity building)

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Amélé Ekué

Academic Dean
Protestant Theologian and Professor of Ethics

Ignace Haaz

Ignace Haaz

Programme Executive Online Ethics Library and Publications Manager

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Christoph Stückelberger

Prof. Dr, Prof. of Global Ethics in Switzerland, Nigeria, Russia, China

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Fadi Daou

Executive Director
Academia, social entrepreneurship, and policymaking