About the network

A growing ethics community

Globethics is a global interactive online community. It comprises people and organisations from very broad geographical and professional backgrounds. It offers many possibilities for contacts, interaction and collaborative projects among participants.

Participants come from various sectors of activity such as academic, private, religious, governmental and non-governmental sectors. You will therefore find professors, researchers and students as well as medical doctors, nurses, compliance and ethics officers, politicians, journalists, social and development workers, clergy and lay people working in religious institutions, etc.

As you see in the map below, participants come from all over the world counting more than 200 countries and territories.

Every participant enjoys a personal profile where information, favourites and contacts are gathered according to their choices so as to better organise their work and time.

Organisations can also have their own space in the Globethics Network. You will find ethics centres, libraries, faith-based organisations and grassroots organisations involved in ethical challenges from empowering Dalits, Adivasis and women and children in India to knowledge transfer and social action in Spain.

There are more than 120,000 participants and 9,091 organisations in the network, growing every day! Do not wait for others to contact you but use the opportunity to find research partners, look for information or share your concerns.

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