Reinhold Bernhardt

Reinhold Bernhardt

Reinhold Bernhardt, born in 1957, is a Professor of Systematic Theology / Dogmatics at the University of Basel in Switzerland. He was formerly Dean of the Theological Faculty at the University of Basel and an editor of the theological periodical ‘Theologischen Zeitschrift'. Dr Bernhardt studied Protestant theology at the universities of Mainz, Zürich and Heidelberg and he has authored more than 50 articles on various subjects in books and periodicals. Dr Bernhardt has broad teaching experience at universities in Germany, the USA, Switzerland, Brazil and the UK.
One of the results of his reflections was the book, 'Calvin Global: How Faith Influences Societies' co-edited together with Christoph Stückelberger. This book was published by Globethics Publications in 2009 to coincide with the 500th birthday of John Calvin, an influential French theologian and pastor. 
The anniversary provided the occasion to reflect on how Calvin influenced and still influences societies through his faith and ethical vision for the Church, economics, politics and society. A special focus in the book is given to the influence of Calvin in various contexts outside of Europe, especially in North America, Africa and Asia (China, Indonesia, and South Korea).
Dr Bernhardt is also interested in ethics and his research is focused on theology of religions, interreligious relations and God's providence.
Talking about ethics Dr Bernhardt states that for him, "Ethics have a great importance for current discourses in society and politics".

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