
null Newsletter No7/2023 - Quality for Impact in the Real World


Quality for Impact in the Real World


Editorial by Amélé Adamavi-Aho Ekué, Academic Dean


Globethics is welcoming a cohort of executives and broader interested audience of individuals from around the globe in this second semester. Along with the excitement of continuing to develop quality, context-relevant and impact-oriented educational provisions that will help the target groups to develop their professional competencies in ethics, Globethics is pleased to announce that the European Agency for Higher Education and Accreditation (EAHEA) has awarded the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)-accreditation for Globethics online ethics courses.

This programme certification means that course participants will be able to have their learning outcomes and certificates recognised by their own institutions. Each course has been allocated between 2 to 4 ECTS-credits, for which Globethics is also able to demonstrate the equivalence with credit systems of other countries.

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Also on the blog

Talents Fostering: Best in Tech and Values
Talents Fostering: Best in Tech and Values. How the Tech Industry and Globethics can foster Innovation

Christoph Stückelberger

During my academic work in China as a visiting professor in September 2023, I visited the Research and Development Center of the tech giant Huawei in Beijing to learn about their Talent Fostering programme. How to be best in Tech – and in Integrity?

Globethics Exploring Future Cooperation with Chinese Universities

Christoph Stückelberger

Manifold opportunities for cooperation and substantial interest in Globethics: This was my impression during my two weeks in China in September 2023.

Globethics Exploring Future Cooperation with Chinese Universities
Drought in Latin America: A Challenge for Sustainable Development
Drought in Latin America: A Challenge for Sustainable Development

Verónica Estrade

To address drought and its consequences, ethical governance is essential. In addition, it is critical to address inequalities inherent to the climate crisis, for example, gender issues.


Make the most of the Globethics' holistic learning ecosystem - discover our upcoming courses and events.

Champion transformative impact in your work - register to learn from ethics experts

Ethics in Higher Education for Teaching Professionals

8-week online course to reflect on ethics in the context of teaching, research and HE policies. 3 ECTS credits.
Starts 9 October 2023

Ethics in Higher Education for Administrative Professionals

8-week online course to understand and address ethical issues in HE administration roles. 3 ECTS credits.
Starts 9 October 2023

Interreligious Cooperation for Peace - Ethical Studies
Interreligious Cooperation for Peace - Ethical Studies

8-week online course on the role of ethics and values in building trust among religions. 3 ECTS credits.
Starts 9 October 2023

World Class: Sustainability Ethics
World Class: Sustainability Ethics

3-day executive certificate course on economic, social and ecological ethics
Dates 15-17 November 2023

Cómo incluir la ética en la formación universitaria
Cómo incluir la ética en la formación universitaria

Curso de 4 semanas en español para integrar transversalmente la enseñanza de la ética en la enseñanza superior. 1 ECTS crédito.
Fecha de inicio 22 de noviembre de 2023

Meet some of our expert course instructors

Dr Haluk Haksal, economist, specialist in sustainability management, developer and instructor of the World Class on Sustainability Ethics.

Dr Haluk Haksal
Meera Baindur

Meera Baindur, Professor of Philosophy, co-instructor and developer of the Interreligious Cooperation for Peace courses alongside Prof. Dr Heidi Hadsell.

Gilles Bach, strategy consultant in the data, AI and digital transformation space, and co-instructor of the Ethics in Higher Education, Cyber Ethics and Responsible Leadership courses.

Gilles Bach
Juny Montoya Vargas

Juny Montoya Vargas, Director of the Center for Applied Ethics at UniAndes and developer and instructor of the Cómo incluir la ética en la formación universitaria courss.

Explore key topics around the future of education - join our Blue Table Webinars

Re-Imagining Learning and the Future of Higher Education
Learning and Intercultural Knowledge Circulation

18 October 2023, 15:00-16:00 CEST

Learning and Intercultural Knowledge Circulation
Re-Imagining Learning and the Future of Higher Education

22 November 2023, 15:00-16:00 CET


Make the most of the world's largest online library on ethics.

Keep up to date on content added to the Globethics Library

Wondering how to stay current on research in your field of ethics? Keep up to date on the latest publications on ethical issues in higher education, environment, technology and peace. Subscribe to your preferred areas of interest amongst the hundreds of collections and journals in the Globethics Library and receive an email notification whenever content is added to them.

Book of the Month: The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth

This book, featured in relation to the Christian Creation season, from 1 September to 4 October, collects the author's signature views on the interrelatedness of both Earth’s future and the Christian future. He ponders why Christians have been late in coming to the issue of the environment. He reflects insightfully on how the environment must be seen as a religious - not simply a scientific or economic - issue.

Book of the Month:  The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth


Read the latest releases by international authors, published by us.

Ethics and Overcoming Odious Passions
Ethics and Overcoming Odious Passions Mitigating Radicalisation and Extremism through Shared Human Values in Education

This publication engages with the complex negative emotions and consequent phenomena of self-deceit, radicalisation and extremism. Edited by our Managing Editor Ignace Haaz, Publications Assistant Jakob Bühlmann Quero, and Khushwant Singh, Head of Secretariat at Globethics partner PaRD (International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development).

Celebrating the Reconciliation: Potentialities of Pentecostal Worship for Reconciliation and Peace in the Context of the Great Lakes Region

This publication by Alain Kusinza Nkinzo focuses on the research question: “What can the potential role of Christian worship in the Great Lakes region be to promote reconciliation and peace and healing after social and ethnic violence and conflicts?”. The study theorises a Pentecostal practical theology backed in the theologies of reconstruction, politics and reconciliation.

Celebrating the Reconciliation
Vietnam Integration: Education, Culture and Ethics. Voices of Teachers. Vietnam Hoc English Edition
Vietnam Integration: Education, Culture and Ethics. Voices of Teachers. Vietnam Hoc English Edition

The Vietnam Ethics Series gives insights into the rich values and ethics of Vietnamese culture. Published in time for World Teacher's Day on 5 October, this volume on Vietnam Integration, edited by Anh Tho Andres and Christoph Stückelberger, reflects on change management strategies in curriculum design and development for teachers’ training.

Educación aumentada: Desafíos de la educación en la era de la inteligencia artificial

In Augmented Education: Education challenges in the AI era, written in Spanish by Santiago Bellomo, the author describes a model of augmented education based on the non-substitutive hybridization of technology and teaching.

Educación aumentada: Desafíos de la educación en la era de la inteligencia artificial
AI and ethics in higher education
AI and ethics in higher education

Join the conversation with Santiago Bellomo, Erin Green and Ignace Haaz at this virtual session (English and Spanish simultaneous interpretation) organised by Globethics and the Universidad Austral School of Education.
When 19 October 2023, 17:00 CET

Pasteur Olivier Labarthe, partenaire de Globethics Publications, s'est vu décerner le titre de Docteur Honoris Causa aux côtés de deux autres personnalités congolaises Samedi 22 avril 2023, à l'Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL) de Goma, au Congo.

Educación aumentada: Desafíos de la educación en la era de la inteligencia artificial


Call for Papers - Issue 3(2023) Time for Education

Community and Policy Engagement

Read news about and from the Globethics network.

Globethics meets UNESCO and partners in support of Ethical AI
Globethics meets UNESCO and partners in support of Ethical AI

Dr Wallace Cheng, Head of Impact and Innovation at Globethics, had a constructive meeting with UNESCO's Assistant Director-General Gabriela Ramos in support of a common vision to operationalise UNESCO's landmark Recommendation on Ethics in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Inclusive Citizenship at the Centre of EURO-MENA Dialogue
Inclusive Citizenship at the Centre of EURO-MENA Dialogue

Hosted by Wilton Park, in partnership with Globethics, Adyan Foundation and the support of the British and Italian governments, the “Euro-MENA Dialogue on Inclusive Citizenship and Freedom of Religion and Belief: Bridging and Advancing the two agendas” represents a pioneer initiative of policy dialogue.

African Church Assets Programme (ACAP) Learning Review Workshop
African Church Assets Programme (ACAP) Learning Review Workshop

Exciting moments of growth and learning, and deep exchanges around putting this into practice were highlights of the ACAP Phase V workshops, organised collaboratively by Globethics, All Africa Conference of Churches, CORAT Africa and Bread for the World in Nairobi, Kenya in September 2023.

Integrating ethics in higher education curricula in northern Ghana
Integrating ethics in higher education curricula in northern Ghana

Regional Manager Susan Ackah and National Director for Ghana, Emanuel Ansah visited the University for Development Studies (UDS), the largest higher education institution in the northern belt of Ghana holding strong relationships with many other universities in the region.

Public engagement and policy dialogue towards national development in Ghana
Launching of the first AI Index in Latin America and the Caribbean

Globethics was present at the launch in Chile, at ECLAC headquarters, which was attended by the Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, Aisén Etcheverry, and representatives of international organizations such as the OAS, the private sector such as Google and academia such as the University of Oxford.

Globethics President leads advanced training in anti-corruption practices with Brazilian legal experts
Globethics President leads advanced training in anti-corruption practices with Brazilian legal experts

The Advanced Training in International Practices of Transparency, Compliance and Anti-Corruption took place with FCL Law from 25 to 29 September 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Fadi Daou meets with Indonesian partners in Geneva, Switzerland
Fadi Daou meets with Indonesian partners in Geneva, Switzerland

On 6 August, Executive Director Fadi Daou met with two of Globethics' partners - Dr Zainal Abidin Bagir and Dr Samsul Maarif - to discuss how to develop Globethics' collaboration in East Asia and our work and partnerships around indigenous studies related to environmental justice.

Upcoming events

Register now: Geneva Peace Week Policy Briefing Ethical Reframing of AI: Time for a Geneva Compact?
Geneva Peace Week Policy Briefing Ethical Reframing of AI: Time for a Geneva Compact?

Globethics and the Club of Rome are co-hosting this panel of multidisciplinary experts to foster a critical dialogue on recent advancements in AI ethics policies and practical research. The main goal is to explore the feasibility of a multi-stakeholder compact centered on AI ethics.
When 2 November 2023
Where Onsite in Geneva, Switzerland and online

International Conference on Literary Studies and Ethical Higher Education
International Conference on Literary Studies and Ethical Higher Education

When 18-19 October
Where Onsite in Kerala, India and online

Conference on Secular Spirituality
Conference on Secular Spirituality

When 20-21 October
Where Onsite in Kerala, India

GCUB General Assembly and Seminar: Higher Education for Global Citizenship
GCUB General Assembly and International Seminar: Higher Education for Global Citizenship

When 23-27 October
Where Onsite in Geneva, Switzerland

Transversal Ethics in Higher Education
Transversal Ethics in Higher Education

When 1-3 November
Where Onsite in Bogotá, Colombia and online

BEN-Africa Conference Corruption: Ubuntu and the opportunity for change
BEN-Africa Conference Corruption: Ubuntu and the opportunity for change

When 1-3 November
Where Onsite in Gqeberha, South Africa

Conference on Secular Spirituality
29th International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) World Conference

When 6-10 November
Where Onsite in San José, Costa Rica

ICDE Leadership Summit 2024

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