African Church Assets Programme

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It is now close to 8 years since the African Church Assets Programme (ACAP) was established!

Over the course of the four phases that the Programme has covered, activities have been aimed at strengthening institutional sustainability and capacity and at encouraging ethical thinking and practices. The main purpose of ACAP V is to apply all the learning so that Churches and CROs can be more sustainable.

You are therefore invited to share your learning by responding to the ACAP Learning Review survey. Please follow the link and complete it together with others in your church or organisation.

About the African Church Assets Programme (ACAP)

Responsible, effective and transparent management of assets and investments is key to developing sustainable, values-based institutions, livelihoods and communities.

Globethics is engaged to support and strengthen institutions and those who work within them to address practical problems, related, for example, to mapping and registering fixed and non-fixed assets, to managing, maintaining and developing properties, land, schools, hospitals, universities and social services.

With funds from traditional cooperation and funding partners becoming increasingly scarce, institutions are coming under increasing pressure to diversify their funding sources and strengthen their own capacities. Churches and Church Related Organisations (CCROs) are among institutions that recognise the need to manage their assets well and to invest ethically.

Since 2015 Globethics, in collaboration with the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) and the support of Bread for the World, has been implementing the African Church Assets Programme (ACAP). An assets management project has also been conducted in Romania with the participation of Orthodox Churches. The goal of ACAP is to help leaders in CCROs to build practical capacity in a climate of strong accountability and transparency in the management of assets and resources.

The aim of the first two phases of the programme, ACAP I and ACAP II, was to share with CCROs good examples of best practices on asset mapping and management and to draw up and roll out action plans.

The third phase, ACAP III, aimed at strengthening the capacity of CCROs to manage their assets sustainably and to adopt ethical investment principles. The programme was dedicated to conducting an ethics perception survey among participants on the management of their assets and their thinking on ethical investment. The outcomes of the survey were presented at the workshop held at the AACC in Nairobi, Kenya with the purpose of building on the experience and knowledge that led to a communiqué that reflected the commitment of CCROs to improve on their assets management and ethical investments.

Another result was a set of guiding principles built on four pillars called the L.E.G.S. (Leadership, Ethics. Governance and Sustainability), coined to provide a framework for the CCROs. The framework is incorporated into a practical “Ethical Management Guide for CROs” to support thinking about values, structures, processes and procedures to be able to meet international standards and contribute at local levels to the implementation of the global agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

During the fourth phase, ACAP IV, national guidelines on ethical investment were developed for both Kenya and Ethiopia after in-country studies were conducted in the two countries.

There is a need to deepen the findings of ACAP IV and create more awareness among CCROS within the constituency of the AACC and with other faith communities and see how they can maximise the assets that they have.

During the fifth phase of the project, which began in 2023, the aim is to gather and publicise the findings of the previous eight years and especially the achievements of ACAP IV. The programme is concentrated on moving from theories and policies to practical and sustainable actions that will consolidate learning and have a lasting impact on participants and participating organisations.