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null Globethics inaugurates World Class course on sustainability ethics in two languages

The world we are living in is fragile. More than ever before humans are called to address this fragility. Major challenges jeopardising the planet and the livelihood of future generations, such as climate change, natural resources depletion, biodiversity loss, and the commodification of living beings, demand concerted efforts in thinking and action.


On 15 November 2023, Globethics Academy launched a new short-term course programme on Sustainability Ethics – called World Class – run in two separate sessions offered in English and in Spanish, with 49 participants from diverse countries around the world.

The course was designed bearing in mind the demanding schedules of international professionals, offering cutting-edge learning content in the format of an intensive course delivered synchronously. During three days participants from countries as diverse as Niger, South Africa, Germany, Ethiopia, as well as Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico, studied ethical implications against the background of a range of topics, such as the economic transition, the double materiality, and human interaction with the environment, social development goals and global citizenship, as well as sustainability and human rights.

The charm of this new course offer consists in the immediacy and concreteness of the learning process. Participants and expert academic instructors were afforded the opportunity to engage directly with one another in the live session, thus benefitting from an enriching peer-to-peer experience. Furthermore, the clinics – self-guided study units – provided the occasion for participants to verify knowledge and theories against the background of practical case studies.

The validation of the learning outcomes is organised by way of final essays, in which students demonstrate their aptitude to employ their acquired competencies and skills in selected fields of application.

The Academy is grateful for this encouraging inaugural World Class experience and is looking forward to the next sessions in 2024. Updates on the course calendar for the World Classes in 2024 will be published on the Globethics website in January 2024. Further questions can be addressed to the Academy team: