Library tips

Benefit your research by making the most of the library. These library tips will provide you with some hints and tricks to improve the way to use the library, improving your results and accessibility to the best open access documents on the library.

Search Guide

How to search the Globethics Library

The following guidelines will help you to find your way through and get acquainted with the most important functionalities of the Globethics Library.

Read the Globethics Library Search Guide available here or watch the video.

Tips and tricks

null How to subscribe to new content in the Globethics Library

Wondering how to stay current on research in your field of ethics? One of the easiest ways to keep up to date on the latest publications on ethical issues in higher education, environment, technology and peace is to subscribe to relevant content in the world's largest free online library on ethics.

Subscribe to your preferred areas of interest amongst the hundreds of collections and journals in the Globethics Library and receive an email notification whenever new content is added to them.

Learn how to stay current on research in your field by watching our video tutorial showing how to subscribe to new content in the Globethics Library. Or follow the steps written below!

  1. Login to the Globethics Library with your user credentials, or register if you haven't already
  2. Go to My Account > Profile > Subscriptions
  3. Select the collection or journal of your choice via the drop-down menu, where you'll find a scrollable list of more than 200 areas of subscribable content!
  4. Click on the "Add" button. The selected collection/journal will then listed/displayed underneath. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add as many subscriptions as you want.
  5. Click on "Update Profile" to save your changes and you will then receive an email whenever there is new content added to the collection or journal.

Take this opportunity to subscribe to as many collections as you wish and stay up to date with the most recent publications in the field of your research.

Watch some video tips