
null Newsletter No4/2023 - "We do not only want to merely exist… We want to flourish”


We do not only want to merely exist… We want to flourish


Editorial by Dr Carike Noeth, Southern Africa Centre (Cape Town) Manager

On 1 May 2023, Globethics launched its new centre in Southern Africa, and while we embrace, celebrate, and commemorate peace, sustainable development, and cultural diversity and development, we are also very aware of the fact that Southern Africa is not contributing and practically living these sustainable outcomes as set out by the United Nations. We have fallen short of these values and have been corrupted in our way of living. As the Southern Africa Centre, we will therefore work tirelessly to build just, caring, and sustainable moral communities in everything we do.

People in Africa are people who know hardship, but we also know hope. It is this very hope that will inspire the Southern Africa Centre to shine its light as far as it can reach to bring about change in civil society. We do not want to merely exist in a society crippled with moral decay. We want to flourish!

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Catch up on news and discover upcoming events.

How to Become an Ethical Leader for the Change We Want to See in the World map diverse people
Learning on the Bus: Travelling through Real and Intellectual Landscapes

Whose is quality education? Academic Dean Amélé Ekué explores the question of access to quality education and the resilience and ingenuity of people in finding creative solutions for continuing formation in their respective life situations.

Globethics Pool of Experts Annual Roundtable 2023

A new framework positions the Pool of Experts as a collaborative community of practice around ethical leadership, especially in the four thematic priority areas of the new Globethics Strategy 2023-2027.

Globethics Pool of Experts Annual Roundtable 2023
Cómo incluir la ética en la formación universitaria
Cómo incluir la ética en la formación universitaria

Sigue abierta la inscripción para este curso organizado en colaboración con la Universidad de los Andes. Aprenda a integrar la práctica ética en su plan de estudios.

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Globethics course catalogue


Make the most of the world's largest online library on ethics.

Book of the Month
Learning for a Better Future

Perspectives on Higher Education, Cities, Business & Civil Society

Book of the Month: Learning for a Better Future
Library Tip: Find Library resources on academic integrity and data ethics

Discover the wide range of engaging resources in the Globethics Library echoing the concerns around the World Book and Copyright, and World Intellectual Property Days in April.

E-Library search guide for resources on academic integrity and data ethics


Read the latest releases by international authors, published by us.

Journal of Ethics in Higher Education announces new Editorial Board Member

Globethics is pleased to welcome Dr Hassan Fartousi as the newest member of the international Editorial Board of the Journal of Ethics in Higher Education.

Dr Fartousi obtained his doctorate degree in International Law from the Geneva Law School at University of Geneva, and he is currently a Research Fellow at the World Trade Institute at the University of Bern. He is also Member of the Society of International Economic Law, and Lecturer professor at Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations.

Séminaire à l'Université de Genève le 7 juin 2023, 17:15-19:45 CEST

Ignace Haaz, rédacteur en chef de Globethics, représentera l'organisation lors d'un séminaire à l'Université de Genève (Suisse) organisé par le professeur A. Akkari, membre du comité éditorial du Journal of Ethics in Higher Education. Le Dr Haaz participera à une table ronde, en français, sur la refonte des programmes d'enseignement international (sur les aspects liés au développement).
Inscription avant le 31 mai 2023.

Localiser, décoloniser ou globaliser le curriculum

Latest releases

Leading Ethical Leaders
Leading Ethical Leaders: Higher Education Institutions, Business Schools and the Sustainable Development Goals
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Community and Policy Engagement

Read news about and from the Globethics network.

Séminaire le 12 juin 2023: Intelligence Artificielle: Enjeux éthiques et impacts sociaux

A l'occasion du lancement du nouveau Centre Globethics MENA (Tunis), un séminaire international a été organisé, au cours duquel des experts ont été invités à se pencher sur le thème pertinent de l'Intelligence Artificielle: Enjeux éthiques et impacts sociaux.

Préséntation de livre Les prisons sont-elles utiles pour l’avenir de la société ? au Gabon
Strategising for ethical leadership in Sofia, Bulgaria
Strategising for ethical leadership in Sofia, Bulgaria

Putting into action Globethics’ plan for global engagement and launching the base of the new Europe and Central Asia Centre, Fadi Daou met with government officials, academic institutions, and civil society representatives in Sofia in April 2023.

Ethics in Higher Education for Socio-Economic Transformation
Ethics in Higher Education for Socio-Economic Transformation

The first of its kind in Ethiopia, the event was organised by the Ethiopian Centre of Ethics in partnership with the Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association and the Globethics Eastern Africa Centre (Nairobi).

Ética en la educación superior para una vida y una sociedad mejor: Gobernanza, ciber ética y sostenibilidad
Ética en la educación superior para una vida y una sociedad mejor: Gobernanza, ciber ética y sostenibilidad

El seminario, realizado el 12 y 13 de abril de 2023 en la sede la Universidad de Pontificia Universidad Católica de Paraná, se centró en cuestiones medioambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG), retos éticos de las tecnologías digitales como el chatGPT y ejemplos de campus universitarios sostenibles.

Addressing ethical leadership in Southern Africa: new Globethics Centre
Addressing ethical leadership in Southern Africa: new Globethics Centre

Globethics is pleased to announce the launch of the new Southern Africa Centre (Cape Town) and welcome our new team member, Centre Manager Dr Carike Noeth.

Globethics at WSIS Forum 2023

Globethics President and Founder Christoph Stückelberger, our Board Member and Pool of Experts Member Pavan Duggal and other experts took part in a Round Table on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity at WSIS Forum 2023 on 26 May 2023. The workshop explored current developments, legal and policy issues, and emerging global trends in this context and discussed what further needs to be done to strengthen the cyber ecosystem.

Public lecture at Godfrey Okoye University (Enugu, Nigeria), 11 May 2023
Public lecture at Godfrey Okoye University (Enugu, Nigeria), 11 May 2023

Globethics President Christoph Stückelberger spoke on The Ethical University: Transversal Values across Faculties and Departments and on all Levels, attended by faculty, students and international online participants.

Public lecture at Godfrey Okoye University (Enugu, Nigeria), 11 May 2023
Upholding ethical standards in the workplace: Labour Day event in Ghana

On 27 April 2023, Western Africa Centre Regional Manager Susan Ackah represented Globethics at the public lecture organised by the Institute of Work, Employment and Society within the University of Professional Studies Accra. She called for a joint effort to build a culture of ethical behaviour for societal development and sustainability.

S'inscrire à l'école d'été de l'IRAFPA "Conseiller en Intégrité"

L'Institut de Recherche et d'Action sur la Fraude et le Plagiat Académiques (IRAFPA) ouvre ses cinquième et sixième École d'été en juillet 2023, une formation unique de 2 journées et demie pour acquérir des compétences en tant que "Conseiller en Intégrité".

Hybrid conference: Promotion of Ethics, Justice and Peace for Integral Human Development through Higher Education

As part of its 20 year anniversary celebrations, the Centre for Social Justice and Ethics at The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, host of the Globethics Eastern Africa Centre (Nairobi), is organising a conference on ethics, justice and peace on 26-28 September 2023.

Higher Education Ethics Model of Excellence Tool (HE-EMET) workshop in Bangalore, India


We are hiring!
We are hiring!

Programme Manager, Globethics Centre Yogyakarta (60-100%) - Indonesia responsible for the development of Globethics’ activities and projects in Indonesia.

Summer Internship (100%) - Geneva, Switzerland to support us in various administrative and project-related tasks.

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