Author: David Brian Dennison
David Brian Dennison, born in 1974, is a practising lawyer in America. Previously, he served as a law lecturer and the coordinator of clinical legal education at Uganda Christian University and is currently engaged in teaching roles at numerous universities in the USA.
Having attained a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Juris Doctor (JD) from the auspicious University of Georgia, he is currently pursuing a PhD with the University of Cape Town in the domain of Private Law.
In 2014 Dennison published Legal Ethics and Professionalism: A Handbook for Uganda (co-authored by Pamela Tibihikirra-Kalyegira) in the Globethics African Law series. The book is written with both the law student and the legal practitioner in mind and offers a series of topical chapters addressing matters essential to professional advocacy. Topics range from the advocate-client relationship to judicial ethics.
Dennison's motivation for writing the book was due to what he perceived as a ‘gap in the literature of legal ethics', spurring him on to spend 2 important years to complete the project. After its release, the publication gained a generous reception with critics and has since received positive feedback from judges and prominent members of the bar. It is currently the most downloaded publications in the Globethics African Law series with over 30,000 downloads. Describing his own thoughts on the publication, Dennison says ‘It has given me and the Faculty of Law at Uganda Christian University as a sense of accomplishment that we have contributed something of tangible value to the broader legal community in Uganda'.
Dennison's interest in ethics is rooted in what he describes as ‘the possibility of positive structural transformation resulting from the authentic and active Christian faith in contexts such as the Ugandan legal system'. His current research explores the treatment of persons with disabilities in Uganda.
More information:
- Download for free Legal Ethics and Professionalism: A Handbook for Uganda
- Connect with David Brian Dennison on LinkedIn
- Explore a selection of Dennison's work in the Globethics Library